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1-ый вариант

Опции конфигурирования

Qt-prefix <dir>
Префикс для установки в Линуксе;
Релизная сборка;
Отладочная сборка;
Релизная и отладочная сборка;
Шаред сборка;
Статическая сборка;
Работа с файлами свыше 4 Гб;
Поддержка стандартной библиотеки шаблонов;
Компилирование статического sql-драйвера,
Компилирование плагина sql-драйвера,
Доступные sql-драйвера: ibase mysql odbc psql sqlite sqlite2;
Использование системного драйвера sqlite;
Поддержка Qt 3.
Компилирование модуля Phonon.
Компилирование модуля WebKit.
Использование модуля WebKit в ассистенте.
-platform target
Выбор платформы.
Доступные платформы: win32-g++ win32-icc win32-msvc win32-msvc2002 win32-msvc2003 win32-msvc2005 win32-msvc2008 aix-g++ aix-xlc aix-xlc-64 hpux-acc hpux-g++ hpuxi-acc irix-cc irix-cc-64 irix-g++ irix-g++-64 linux-g++ linux-icc solaris-cc solaris-cc-64 solaris-g++ solaris-g++-64 macx-g++ macx-xcode qws/linux-x86-g++ qws/linux-arm-g++ wince50standard-x86-msvc2005 wincewm50pocket-msvc2005 wincewm50smart-msvc2005 wincewm60professional-msvc2005
Поддержка библиотеки zlib.
Использовать системную библиотеку zlib.
Поддержка библиотеки gif.
Использовать системную библиотеку gif.
Использовать системную библиотеку libtiff.
Поддержка библиотеки libpng.
Использовать системную библиотеку libpng.
Поддержка библиотеки libmng.
Использовать системную библиотеку libmng.
Поддержка библиотеки libjpeg.
Использовать системную библиотеку libjpeg.
-nomake <part>
Отмена компилирования определенных частей.
-R <string>
-l <string>

Qt/X11 only


2-ой вариант


configure [-buildkey <key>]
      [-release] [-debug] [-debug-and-release] [-shared] [-static]
      [-no-fast] [-fast] [-no-exceptions] [-exceptions]
      [-no-accessibility] [-accessibility] [-no-rtti] [-rtti]
      [-no-stl] [-stl] [-no-sql-<driver>] [-qt-sql-<driver>]
      [-plugin-sql-<driver>] [-system-sqlite] [-arch <arch>]
      [-D <define>] [-I <includepath>] [-L <librarypath>]
      [-help] [-no-dsp] [-dsp] [-no-vcproj] [-vcproj]
      [-no-qmake] [-qmake] [-dont-process] [-process]
      [-no-style-<style>] [-qt-style-<style>] [-redo]
      [-saveconfig <config>] [-loadconfig <config>]
      [-qt-zlib] [-system-zlib] [-no-gif] [-qt-gif] [-no-libpng]
      [-qt-libpng] [-system-libpng] [-no-libtiff] [-qt-libtiff]
      [-system-libtiff] [-no-libjpeg] [-qt-libjpeg] [-system-libjpeg]
      [-no-libmng] [-qt-libmng] [-system-libmng] [-no-qt3support]
      [-mmx] [-no-mmx] [-no-3dnow] [-no-sse] [-no-sse2]
      [-no-iwmmxt] [-iwmmxt] [-direct3d] [-openssl] [-openssl-linked]
      [-no-openssl] [-no-dbus] [-dbus] [-dbus-linked] [-platform <spec>]
      [-qtnamespace <namespace>] [-no-phonon] [-phonon]
      [-no-webkit] [-webkit]

Параметры установки

You may use these options to turn on strict plugin loading:
   -buildkey <key> .... Build the Qt library and plugins using the specified 
                        <key>.  When the library loads plugins, it will only 
                        load those that have a matching <key>.

Параметры конфигурации

The defaults (*) are usually acceptable. A plus (+) denotes a default value 
that needs to be evaluated. If the evaluation succeeds, the feature is 
included. Here is a short explanation of each option:
   -release ........... Compile and link Qt with debugging turned off.
*  -debug ............. Compile and link Qt with debugging turned on.
+  -debug-and-release . Compile and link two Qt libraries, with and without 
                        debugging turned on.
*  -shared ............ Create and use shared Qt libraries.
   -static ............ Create and use static Qt libraries.
*  -no-fast ........... Configure Qt normally by generating Makefiles for all 
                        project files.
   -fast .............. Configure Qt quickly by generating Makefiles only for 
                        library and subdirectory targets.  All other Makefiles
                        are created as wrappers which will in turn run qmake
   -no-exceptions ..... Disable exceptions on platforms that support it.
*  -exceptions ........ Enable exceptions on platforms that support it.
   -no-accessibility .. Do not compile Windows Active Accessibility support.
*  -accessibility ..... Compile Windows Active Accessibility support.
   -no-stl ............ Do not compile STL support.
*  -stl ............... Compile STL support.
   -no-sql-<driver> ... Disable SQL <driver> entirely, by default none are 
                        turned on.
   -qt-sql-<driver> ... Enable a SQL <driver> in the Qt Library.
   -plugin-sql-<driver> Enable SQL <driver> as a plugin to be linked to at run
                        Available values for <driver>:
+                         sqlite
                        (drivers marked with a '+' have been detected as 
                        available on this system)
   -system-sqlite ..... Use sqlite from the operating system.
   -no-qt3support ..... Disables the Qt 3 support functionality.
   -no-opengl ......... Disables OpenGL functionality
   -platform <spec> ... The operating system and compiler you are building on.
                        (default %QMAKESPEC%)
   -xplatform <spec> .. The operating system and compiler you are cross 
                        compiling to.
                        See the README file for a list of supported operating 
                        systems and compilers.
   -qtnamespace <namespace> Wraps all Qt library code in 'namespace name {...}
   -D <define> ........ Add an explicit define to the preprocessor.
   -I <includepath> ... Add an explicit include path.
   -L <librarypath> ... Add an explicit library path.
   -l <libraryname> ... Add an explicit library name, residing in a 
   -help, -h, -? ...... Display this information.

Бибилиотеки третьих сторон

   -qt-zlib ........... Use the zlib bundled with Qt.
+  -system-zlib ....... Use zlib from the operating system.
                        See http://www.gzip.org/zlib
   -no-gif ............ Do not compile the plugin for GIF reading support.
+  -qt-gif ............ Compile the plugin for GIF reading support.
                        See also src/plugins/imageformats/gif/qgifhandler.h
   -no-libpng ......... Do not compile in PNG support.
   -qt-libpng ......... Use the libpng bundled with Qt.
+  -system-libpng ..... Use libpng from the operating system.
                        See http://www.libpng.org/pub/png
   -no-libmng ......... Do not compile in MNG support.
   -qt-libmng ......... Use the libmng bundled with Qt.
+  -system-libmng ..... Use libmng from the operating system.
                        See See http://www.libmng.com
   -no-libtiff ........ Do not compile the plugin for TIFF support.
   -qt-libtiff ........ Use the libtiff bundled with Qt.
+  -system-libtiff .... Use libtiff from the operating system.
                        See http://www.libtiff.org
   -no-libjpeg ........ Do not compile the plugin for JPEG support.
   -qt-libjpeg ........ Use the libjpeg bundled with Qt.
+  -system-libjpeg .... Use libjpeg from the operating system.
                        See http://www.ijg.org

Только для Qt/Windows

   -no-dsp ............ Do not generate VC++ .dsp files.
*  -dsp ............... Generate VC++ .dsp files, only if spec "win32-msvc".
   -no-vcproj ......... Do not generate VC++ .vcproj files.
*  -vcproj ............ Generate VC++ .vcproj files, only if platform 
   -no-incredibuild-xge Do not add IncrediBuild XGE distribution commands to 
                        custom build steps.
+  -incredibuild-xge .. Add IncrediBuild XGE distribution commands to custom 
                        build steps. This will distribute MOC and UIC steps, 
                        and other custom buildsteps which are added to the 
                        INCREDIBUILD_XGE variable.
                        (The IncrediBuild distribution commands are only added
                        to Visual Studio projects)
   -no-qmake .......... Do not compile qmake.
*  -qmake ............. Compile qmake.
   -dont-process ...... Do not generate Makefiles/Project files. This will 
                        override -no-fast if specified.
*  -process ........... Generate Makefiles/Project files.
   -no-rtti ........... Do not compile runtime type information.
*  -rtti .............. Compile runtime type information.
   -no-mmx ............ Do not compile with use of MMX instructions
+  -mmx ............... Compile with use of MMX instructions
   -no-3dnow .......... Do not compile with use of 3DNOW instructions
   -no-sse ............ Do not compile with use of SSE instructions
   -no-sse2 ........... Do not compile with use of SSE2 instructions
+  -direct3d .......... Compile in Direct3D support (experimental - see 
                        INSTALL for more info)
   -no-openssl ........ Do not compile in OpenSSL support
+  -openssl ........... Compile in run-time OpenSSL support
   -openssl-linked .... Compile in linked OpenSSL support
   -no-dbus ........... Do not compile in D-Bus support
+  -dbus .............. Compile in D-Bus support and load libdbus-1 dynamicall
   -dbus-linked ....... Compile in D-Bus support and link to libdbus-1
   -no-phonon ......... Do not compile in the Phonon module
+  -phonon ............ Compile in the Phonon module (Phonon is built if a 
                        decent C++ compiler is used.)
   -no-webkit ......... Do not compile in the WebKit module
+  -webkit ............ Compile in the WebKit module (WebKit is built if a 
                        decent C++ compiler is used.)
   -arch <arch> ....... Specify an architecture.
                        Available values for <arch>:
*                         windows
   -no-style-<style> .. Disable <style> entirely.
   -qt-style-<style> .. Enable <style> in the Qt Library.
                        Available styles: 
*                         windows
+                         windowsxp
+                         windowsvista
*                         plastique
*                         cleanlooks
*                         motif
*                         cde
   -loadconfig <config> Run configure with the parameters from file configure_
   -saveconfig <config> Run configure and save the parameters in file 
   -redo .............. Run configure with the same parameters as last time.

Только для Qt/WinCE

   -no-iwmmxt ......... Do not compile with use of IWMMXT instructions
+  -iwmmxt ............ Do compile with use of IWMMXT instructions (Qt/WinCE 
                        on Arm only)
*  -no-crt ............ Do not add the C runtime to default deployment rules
   -qt-crt ............ Qt identifies C runtime during project generation
   -crt <path> ........ Specify path to C runtime used for project generation.
   -no-cetest ......... Do not compile Windows CE remote test application
+  -cetest ............ Compile Windows CE remote test application
   -signature <file> .. Use file for signing the target project
   -opengl-es-cm ...... Enable support for OpenGL ES Common
   -opengl-es-cl ...... Enable support for OpenGL ES Common Lite