Qt:Документация 4.3.2/groups
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Grouped Classes
This page provides a way of navigating Qt's classes by grouping related classes together. Some classes may appear in more than one group.
Abstract Widget Classes | Abstract widget classes usable through subclassing. |
Accessibility Classes | Classes that provide support for accessibility. |
Advanced Widgets | Advanced GUI widgets such as tab widgets and progress bars. |
Basic Widgets | Basic GUI widgets such as buttons, comboboxes and scroll bars. |
Database Classes | Database related classes, e.g. for SQL databases. |
Date and Time Classes | Classes for handling date and time. |
Desktop Environment Classes | Classes for interacting with the user's desktop environment. |
Drag And Drop Classes | Classes dealing with drag and drop and mime type encoding and decoding. |
Environment Classes | Classes providing various global services such as event handling, access to system settings and internationalization. |
Event Classes | Classes used to create and handle events. |
Generic Containers | Qt's template-based container classes. |
Help System | Classes used to provide online-help for applications. |
Implicitly Shared Classes | Classes that use reference counting for fast copying. |
Input/Output and Networking | Classes providing file input and output along with directory and network handling. |
Layout Management | Classes handling automatic resizing and moving of widgets, for composing complex dialogs. |
Main Window and Related Classes | Everything you need for a typical modern main application window, including menus, toolbars, workspace, etc. |
Miscellaneous Classes | Various other useful classes. |
Model/View Classes | Classes that use the model/view design pattern. |
Multimedia, Graphics and Printing | Classes that provide support for graphics (2D, and with OpenGL, 3D), image encoding, decoding, and manipulation, sound, animation, printing, etc. |
Non-GUI Classes | Collection classes such as list, queue, stack and string, along with other classes that can be used without needing QApplication. |
Object Model | The Qt GUI toolkit's underlying object model. |
Organizers | User interface organizers such as splitters, tab bars, button groups, etc. |
Plugin Classes | Plugin related classes. |
Qtopia Core Classes | Classes that are specific to Qtopia Core (Qt for embedded Linux). |
Scripting Classes | Qt Script-related classes and overviews. |
Standard Dialog Classes | Ready-made dialogs for file, font, color selection and more. |
Text Processing Classes | Classes for text processing. (See also XML Classes.) |
Threading Classes | Classes that provide threading support. |
Widget Appearance and Style | Appearance customization with styles, fonts, colors etc. |
XML Classes | Classes that support XML, via, for example DOM and SAX. |
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