Qt:Документация 4.3.2/architecture
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Версия от 08:22, 20 ноября 2008; (Обсуждение)
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These documents describe aspects of Qt's architecture and design, including overviews of core Qt features and technologies.
Drag and Drop | An overview of the drag and drop system provided by Qt. |
Events and Event Filters | A guide to event handling in Qt. |
Format of the QDataStream Operators | Representations of data types that can be serialized by QDataStream. |
Generic Algorithms | The <QtAlgorithms> header provides generic template-based algorithms. |
Generic Containers | Qt's template-based container classes. |
Global Qt Declarations | The <QtGlobal> header provides basic declarations and is included by all other Qt headers. |
Implementing Atomic Operations | A guide to implementing atomic operations on new architectures. |
Implementing Styles and Style Aware Widgets | An overview of styles and the styling of widgets. |
Implicitly Shared Classes | Classes that use reference counting for fast copying. |
Introduction to D-Bus | An introduction to Inter-Process Communication and Remote Procedure Calling with D-Bus. |
Keyboard Focus | An overview of the keyboard focus management and handling. |
Layout Classes | A tour of the standard layout managers and an introduction to custom layouts. |
Meta-Object System | An overview of Qt's meta-object system and introspection capabilities. Qt's meta-object system provides the signals and slots mechanism for inter-object communication, run-time type information, and the dynamic property system. |
Model/View Programming | A guide to the extensible model/view architecture used by Qt's item view classes. |
Object Trees and Object Ownership | Information about the parent-child pattern used to describe object ownership in Qt. |
Overview of Qt's Undo Framework | |
QTestLib Manual | An overview of Qt's unit testing framework. |
Qt Object Model | A description of the powerful features made possible by Qt's dynamic object model. |
Qt Style Sheets | How to use style sheets to customize the appearance of widgets. |
Qt's Property System | An overview of Qt's property system. |
Rich Text Processing | An overview of Qt's rich text processing, editing and display features. |
SQL Database Drivers | How to configure and install QtSql drivers for supported databases. |
Сигналы and Slots | An overview of Qt's signals and slots inter-object communication mechanism. |
The Coordinate System | Information about the coordinate system used by the paint system. |
The Graphics View Framework | An overview of the Graphics View framework for interactive 2D graphics. |
Thread Support in Qt | A detailed discussion of thread handling in Qt. |
Timers | How to use timers in your application. |
Unicode | Information about support for Unicode in Qt. |
Why Doesn't Qt Use Templates for Сигналы and Slots? | The reasoning behind Qt's implementation of signals and slots. |
Window Geometry | An overview of window geometry handling and management. |
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