Qt:Документация 4.3.2/desktop-light-edition-classes

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[править] Qt Desktop Light Edition Classes

Q3Accel Handles keyboard accelerator and shortcut keys
Q3Action Abstract user interface action that can appear both in menus and tool bars
Q3ActionGroup Groups actions together
Q3AsciiCache Template class that provides a cache based on char* keys
Q3AsciiCacheIterator Iterator for Q3AsciiCache collections
Q3AsciiDict Template class that provides a dictionary based on char* keys
Q3AsciiDictIterator Iterator for Q3AsciiDict collections
Q3Button Compatibility base class of button widgets
Q3ButtonGroup Organizes QAbstractButton widgets in a group
Q3CString Abstraction of the classic C zero-terminated char array (char *)
Q3Cache Template class that provides a cache based on QString keys
Q3CacheIterator Iterator for Q3Cache collections
Q3CheckListItem Checkable list view items
Q3ColorDrag Drag and drop object for transferring colors between widgets
Q3ComboBox Combined button and popup list
Q3DateEdit Date editor
Q3DateTimeEdit Combines a Q3DateEdit and Q3TimeEdit widget into a single widget for editing datetimes
Q3DateTimeEditBase Abstraction for date and edit editors
Q3DeepCopy Template class which ensures that implicitly shared and explicitly shared classes reference unique data
Q3Dict Template class that provides a dictionary based on QString keys
Q3DictIterator Iterator for Q3Dict collections
Q3DockArea Manages and lays out Q3DockWindows
Q3DockWindow Widget which can be docked inside a Q3DockArea or floated as a top level window on the desktop
Q3DragObject Encapsulates MIME-based data transfer
Q3DropSite Nothing and does nothing
Q3FileDialog Dialogs that allow users to select files or directories
Q3FileIconProvider Icons for Q3FileDialog to use
Q3FilePreview File previewing in Q3FileDialog
Q3Grid Simple geometry management of its children
Q3GridView Abstract base for fixed-size grids
Q3GroupBox Group box frame with a title
Q3HBox Horizontal geometry management for its child widgets
Q3HButtonGroup Organizes button widgets in a group with one horizontal row
Q3HGroupBox Organizes widgets in a group with one horizontal row
Q3Header Header row or column, e.g. for tables and listviews
Q3IconDrag Supports drag and drop operations within a Q3IconView
Q3IconDragItem Encapsulates a drag item
Q3IconView Area with movable labelled icons
Q3IconViewItem Single item in a Q3IconView
Q3ImageDrag Drag and drop object for transferring images
Q3IntCache Template class that provides a cache based on long keys
Q3IntCacheIterator Iterator for Q3IntCache collections
Q3IntDict Template class that provides a dictionary based on long keys
Q3IntDictIterator Iterator for Q3IntDict collections
Q3ListBox List of selectable, read-only items
Q3ListBoxItem The base class of all list box items
Q3ListBoxPixmap List box items with a pixmap and optional text
Q3ListBoxText List box items that display text
Q3ListView Implements a list/tree view
Q3ListViewItem Implements a list view item
Q3ListViewItemIterator Iterator for collections of Q3ListViewItems
Q3LocalFs Implementation of a QNetworkProtocol that works on the local file system
Q3MainWindow Main application window, with a menu bar, dock windows (e.g. for toolbars), and a status bar
Q3MemArray Template class that provides arrays of simple types
Q3MimeSourceFactory Extensible provider of mime-typed data
Q3MultiLineEdit Simple editor for inputting text
Q3NetworkOperation Common operations for network protocols
Q3NetworkProtocol Common API for network protocols
Q3PaintDeviceMetrics Information about a paint device
Q3Painter Qt 3 compatibility wrapper for QPainter
Q3Picture Paint device that records and replays Q3Painter commands
Q3PopupMenu Thin compatibility wrapper around QMenu
Q3Process Used to start external programs and to communicate with them
Q3ProgressBar Horizontal progress bar
Q3ProgressDialog Feedback on the progress of a slow operation
Q3PtrCollection The base class of most pointer-based Qt collections
Q3PtrDict Template class that provides a dictionary based on void* keys
Q3PtrDictIterator Iterator for Q3PtrDict collections
Q3PtrList Template class that provides a list
Q3PtrListIterator Iterator for Q3PtrList collections
Q3PtrQueue Template class that provides a queue
Q3PtrStack Template class that provides a stack
Q3PtrVector Template collection class that provides a vector (array)
Q3RangeControl Integer value within a range
Q3ScrollView Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars
Q3Semaphore Robust integer semaphore
Q3Shared Used internally for implementing shared classes
Q3Signal Can be used to send signals for classes that don't inherit QObject
Q3SimpleRichText Small displayable piece of rich text
Q3StoredDrag Simple stored-value drag object for arbitrary MIME data
Q3StrIList Doubly-linked list of char* with case-insensitive comparison
Q3StrList Doubly-linked list of char*
Q3StrListIterator Iterator for the Q3StrList and Q3StrIList classes
Q3StyleSheet Collection of styles for rich text rendering and a generator of tags
Q3StyleSheetItem Encapsulation of a set of text styles
Q3SyntaxHighlighter Base class for implementing Q3TextEdit syntax highlighters
Q3TabDialog Stack of tabbed widgets
Q3TextBrowser Rich text browser with hypertext navigation
Q3TextDrag Drag and drop object for transferring plain and Unicode text
Q3TextEdit Powerful single-page rich text editor
Q3TextStream Basic functions for reading and writing text using a QIODevice
Q3TextView Rich text viewer
Q3TimeEdit Time editor
Q3ToolBar Movable panel containing widgets such as tool buttons
Q3UriDrag Drag object for a list of URI references
Q3Url URL parser and simplifies working with URLs
Q3UrlOperator Common operations on URLs
Q3VBox Vertical geometry management of its child widgets
Q3VButtonGroup Organizes button widgets in a vertical column
Q3VGroupBox Organizes widgets in a group with one vertical column
Q3ValueList Value-based template class that provides lists
Q3ValueListConstIterator Const iterator for Q3ValueList
Q3ValueListIterator Iterator for Q3ValueList
Q3ValueStack Value-based template class that provides a stack
Q3ValueVector Value-based template class that provides a dynamic array
Q3WidgetStack Stack of widgets of which only the top widget is user-visible
Q3Wizard Framework for wizard dialogs
QAbstractButton The abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons
QAbstractEventDispatcher Manages Qt's event queue, excluding GUI-related events
QAbstractFileEngine Abstraction for accessing the filesystem
QAbstractFileEngineHandler Way to register custom file engines with your application
QAbstractFileEngineIterator Iterator interface for custom file engines
QAbstractFontEngine The base class for font engine plugins in Qtopia Core
QAbstractGraphicsShapeItem Common base for all path items
QAbstractItemDelegate Used to display and edit data items from a model
QAbstractItemModel The abstract interface for item model classes
QAbstractItemView The basic functionality for item view classes
QAbstractListModel Abstract model that can be subclassed to create one-dimensional list models
QAbstractPrintDialog Base implementation for print dialogs used to configure printers
QAbstractProxyModel Base class for proxy item models that can do sorting, filtering or other data processing tasks
QAbstractScrollArea Scrolling area with on-demand scroll bars
QAbstractSlider Integer value within a range
QAbstractSpinBox Spinbox and a line edit to display values
QAbstractTableModel Abstract model that can be subclassed to create table models
QAbstractTextDocumentLayout Abstract base class used to implement custom layouts for QTextDocuments
QAccessible Enums and static functions relating to accessibility
QAccessibleBridge The base class for accessibility back-ends
QAccessibleBridgePlugin Abstract base for accessibility bridge plugins
QAccessibleEvent Used to query addition accessibility information about complex widgets
QAccessibleInterface Defines an interface that exposes information about accessible objects
QAccessibleObject Implements parts of the QAccessibleInterface for QObjects
QAccessiblePlugin Abstract base for accessibility plugins
QAccessibleWidget Implements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgets
QAction Abstract user interface action that can be inserted into widgets
QActionEvent Event that is generated when a QAction is added, removed, or changed
QActionGroup Groups actions together
QApplication Manages the GUI application's control flow and main settings
QBasicTimer Timer events for objects
QBitArray Array of bits
QBitmap Monochrome (1-bit depth) pixmaps
QBoxLayout Lines up child widgets horizontally or vertically
QBrush Defines the fill pattern of shapes drawn by QPainter
QBuffer QIODevice interface for a QByteArray
QButtonGroup Container to organize groups of button widgets
QByteArray Array of bytes
QByteArrayMatcher Holds a sequence of bytes that can be quickly matched in a byte array
QCDEStyle CDE look and feel
QCache Template class that provides a cache
QCalendarWidget Monthly based calendar widget allowing the user to select a date
QChar 16-bit Unicode character
QCheckBox Checkbox with a text label
QChildEvent Event parameters for child object events
QCleanlooksStyle Widget style similar to the Clearlooks style available in GNOME
QClipboard Access to the window system clipboard
QCloseEvent Parameters that describe a close event
QColor Colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values
QColorDialog Dialog widget for specifying colors
QColorGroup Color groups for each widget state
QColormap Maps device independent QColors to device dependent pixel values
QColumnView Model/view implementation of a column view
QComboBox Combined button and popup list
QCommonStyle Encapsulates the common Look and Feel of a GUI
QCompleter Completions based on an item model
QConicalGradient Used in combination with QBrush to specify a conical gradient brush
QConstString Wrapper for constant Unicode string data
QContextMenuEvent Parameters that describe a context menu event
QCopChannel Communication capabilities between clients in Qtopia Core
QCoreApplication Event loop for console Qt applications
QCryptographicHash Way to generate cryptographic hashes
QCursor Mouse cursor with an arbitrary shape
QCustomEvent Support for custom events
QCustomRasterPaintDevice Provided to activate hardware accelerated paint engines in Qtopia Core
QDataStream Serialization of binary data to a QIODevice
QDataWidgetMapper Mapping between a section of a data model to widgets
QDate Date functions
QDateEdit Widget for editing dates based on the QDateTimeEdit widget
QDateTime Date and time functions
QDateTimeEdit Widget for editing dates and times
QDecoration Base class for window decorations in Qtopia Core
QDecorationFactory Creates window decorations in Qtopia Core
QDecorationPlugin Abstract base class for window decoration plugins in Qtopia Core
QDesktopServices Methods for accessing common desktop services
QDesktopWidget Access to screen information on multi-head systems
QDial Rounded range control (like a speedometer or potentiometer)
QDialog The base class of dialog windows
QDialogButtonBox Widget that presents buttons in a layout that is appropriate to the current widget style
QDir Access to directory structures and their contents
QDirIterator Iterator for directory entrylists
QDirModel Data model for the local filesystem
QDirectPainter Direct access to the underlying hardware in Qtopia Core
QDockWidget Widget that can be docked inside a QMainWindow or floated as a top-level window on the desktop
QDoubleSpinBox Spin box widget that takes doubles
QDoubleValidator Range checking of floating-point numbers
QDrag Support for MIME-based drag and drop data transfer
QDragEnterEvent Event which is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action enters it
QDragLeaveEvent Event that is sent to a widget when a drag and drop action leaves it
QDragMoveEvent Event which is sent while a drag and drop action is in progress
QDropEvent Event which is sent when a drag and drop action is completed
QDynamicPropertyChangeEvent Event parameters for dynamic property change events
QErrorMessage Error message display dialog
QEvent The base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters
QEventLoop Means of entering and leaving an event loop
QFSFileEngine Implements Qt's default file engine
QFile Interface for reading from and writing to files
QFileDialog Dialog that allow users to select files or directories
QFileIconProvider File icon for the QDirModel class
QFileInfo System-independent file information
QFileOpenEvent Event that will be sent when there is a request to open a file
QFileSystemWatcher Interface for monitoring files and directories for modifications
QFlag Helper data type for QFlags
QFlags Type-safe way of storing OR-combinations of enum values
QFocusEvent Event parameters for widget focus events
QFocusFrame Focus frame which can be outside of a widget's normal paintable area
QFont Font used for drawing text
QFontComboBox Combobox that lets the user select a font family
QFontDatabase Information about the fonts available in the underlying window system
QFontDialog Dialog widget for selecting a font
QFontEngineInfo Describes a specific font provided by a font engine plugin
QFontEnginePlugin The base class for font engine factory plugins in Qtopia Core
QFontInfo General information about fonts
QFontMetrics Font metrics information
QFontMetricsF Font metrics information
QFrame The base class of widgets that can have a frame
QGenericArgument Internal helper class for marshalling arguments
QGenericReturnArgument Internal helper class for marshalling arguments
QGradient Used in combination with QBrush to specify gradient fills
QGraphicsEllipseItem Ellipse item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
QGraphicsItem The base class for all graphical items in a QGraphicsScene
QGraphicsItemAnimation Simple animation support for QGraphicsItem
QGraphicsItemGroup Treating a group of items as one
QGraphicsLineItem Line item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
QGraphicsPathItem Path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
QGraphicsPixmapItem Pixmap item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
QGraphicsPolygonItem Polygon item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
QGraphicsRectItem Rectangle item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
QGraphicsScene Surface for managing a large number of 2D graphical items
QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent Context menu events in the graphics view framework
QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent Events for drag and drop in the graphics view framework
QGraphicsSceneEvent Base class for all graphics view related events
QGraphicsSceneHelpEvent Events when a tooltip is requested
QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent Hover events in the graphics view framework
QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent Mouse events in the graphics view framework
QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent Wheel events in the graphics view framework
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem Simple text path item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene
QGraphicsTextItem Text item that you can add to a QGraphicsScene to display formatted text
QGraphicsView Widget for displaying the contents of a QGraphicsScene
QGridLayout Lays out widgets in a grid
QGroupBox Group box frame with a title
QHBoxLayout Lines up widgets horizontally
QHash Template class that provides a hash-table-based dictionary
QHashIterator Java-style const iterator for QHash and QMultiHash
QHeaderView Header row or header column for item views
QHelpEvent Event that is used to request helpful information about a particular point in a widget
QHideEvent Event which is sent after a widget is hidden
QHoverEvent Parameters that describe a mouse event
QIODevice The base interface class of all I/O devices in Qt
QIcon Scalable icons in different modes and states
QIconDragEvent Indicates that a main icon drag has begun
QIconEngine Abstract base class for QIcon renderers
QIconEnginePlugin Abstract base for custom QIconEngine plugins
QIconEnginePluginV2 Abstract base for custom QIconEngineV2 plugins
QIconEngineV2 Abstract base class for QIcon renderers
QImage Hardware-independent image representation that allows direct access to the pixel data, and can be used as a paint device
QImageIOHandler Defines the common image I/O interface for all image formats in Qt
QImageIOPlugin Defines an interface for writing an image format plugin
QImageReader Format independent interface for reading images from files or other devices
QImageWriter Format independent interface for writing images to files or other devices
QInputContext Abstracts the input method dependent data and composing state
QInputContextFactory Creates QInputContext objects
QInputContextPlugin Abstract base for custom QInputContext plugins
QInputDialog Simple convenience dialog to get a single value from the user
QInputEvent The base class for events that describe user input
QInputMethodEvent Parameters for input method events
QIntValidator Validator that ensures a string contains a valid integer within a specified range
QItemDelegate Display and editing facilities for data items from a model
QItemEditorCreator Makes it possible to create item editor creator bases without subclassing QItemEditorCreatorBase
QItemEditorCreatorBase Abstract base class that must be subclassed when implementing new item editor creators
QItemEditorFactory Widgets for editing item data in views and delegates
QItemSelection Manages information about selected items in a model
QItemSelectionModel Keeps track of a view's selected items
QItemSelectionRange Manages information about a range of selected items in a model
QKbdDriverFactory Creates keyboard drivers in Qtopia Core
QKbdDriverPlugin Abstract base class for keyboard driver plugins in Qtopia Core
QKeyEvent Describes a key event
QKeySequence Encapsulates a key sequence as used by shortcuts
QLCDNumber Displays a number with LCD-like digits
QLabel Text or image display
QLatin1Char 8-bit ASCII/Latin-1 character
QLatin1String Thin wrapper around an ASCII/Latin-1 encoded string literal
QLayout The base class of geometry managers
QLayoutItem Abstract item that a QLayout manipulates
QLibrary Loads shared libraries at runtime
QLibraryInfo Information about the Qt library
QLine Two-dimensional vector using integer precision
QLineEdit One-line text editor
QLineF Two-dimensional vector using floating point precision
QLinearGradient Used in combination with QBrush to specify a linear gradient brush
QLinkedList Template class that provides linked lists
QLinkedListIterator Java-style const iterator for QLinkedList
QList Template class that provides lists
QListIterator Java-style const iterator for QList and QQueue
QListView List or icon view onto a model
QListWidget Item-based list widget
QListWidgetItem Item for use with the QListWidget item view class
QLocale Converts between numbers and their string representations in various languages
QMacPasteboardMime Maps open-standard MIME to Mac flavors
QMacStyle Mac OS X style using the Apple Appearance Manager
QMainWindow Main application window
QMap Template class that provides a skip-list-based dictionary
QMapIterator Java-style const iterator for QMap and QMultiMap
QMatrix 2D transformations of a coordinate system
QMdiArea Area in which MDI windows are displayed
QMdiSubWindow Subwindow class for QMdiArea
QMenu Menu widget for use in menu bars, context menus, and other popup menus
QMenuBar Horizontal menu bar
QMenuItem Represents an item in a menu
QMessageBox Modal dialog with a short message, an icon, and buttons laid out depending on the current style
QMetaClassInfo Additional information about a class
QMetaEnum Meta-data about an enumerator
QMetaMethod Meta-data about a member function
QMetaObject Meta-information about Qt objects
QMetaProperty Meta-data about a property
QMetaType Manages named types in the meta-object system
QMimeData Container for data that records information about its MIME type
QMimeSource Abstraction of objects that provided formatted data of a certain MIME type
QModelIndex Used to locate data in a data model
QMotifStyle Motif look and feel
QMouseDriverFactory Creates mouse drivers in Qtopia Core
QMouseDriverPlugin Abstract base class for mouse driver plugins in Qtopia Core
QMouseEvent Parameters that describe a mouse event
QMoveEvent Event parameters for move events
QMovie Convenience class for playing movies with QImageReader
QMultiHash Convenience QHash subclass that provides multi-valued hashes
QMultiMap Convenience QMap subclass that provides multi-valued maps
QMutableHashIterator Java-style non-const iterator for QHash and QMultiHash
QMutableLinkedListIterator Java-style non-const iterator for QLinkedList
QMutableListIterator Java-style non-const iterator for QList and QQueue
QMutableMapIterator Java-style non-const iterator for QMap and QMultiMap
QMutableSetIterator Java-style non-const iterator for QSet
QMutableVectorIterator Java-style non-const iterator for QVector and QStack
QMutex Access serialization between threads
QMutexLocker Convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking mutexes
QObject The base class of all Qt objects
QObjectCleanupHandler Watches the lifetime of multiple QObjects
QPageSetupDialog Configuration dialog for the page-related options on a printer
QPaintDevice The base class of objects that can be painted
QPaintEngine Abstract definition of how QPainter draws to a given device on a given platform
QPaintEngineState Information about the active paint engine's current state
QPaintEvent Event parameters for paint events
QPainter Performs low-level painting on widgets and other paint devices
QPainterPath Container for painting operations, enabling graphical shapes to be constructed and reused
QPainterPathStroker Used to generate fillable outlines for a given painter path
QPair Template class that stores a pair of items
QPalette Color groups for each widget state
QPen Defines how a QPainter should draw lines and outlines of shapes
QPersistentModelIndex Used to locate data in a data model
QPicture Paint device that records and replays QPainter commands
QPictureFormatPlugin Abstract base for custom picture format plugins
QPictureIO Parameters for loading and saving pictures
QPixmap Off-screen image representation that can be used as a paint device
QPixmapCache Application-wide cache for pixmaps
QPlastiqueStyle Widget style similar to the Plastik style available in KDE
QPluginLoader Loads a plugin at run-time
QPoint Defines a point in the plane using integer precision
QPointF Defines a point in the plane using floating point precision
QPointer Template class that provides guarded pointers to QObjects
QPolygon Vector of points using integer precision
QPolygonF Vector of points using floating point precision
QPrintDialog Dialog for specifying the printer's configuration
QPrintEngine Defines an interface for how QPrinter interacts with a given printing subsystem
QPrinter Paint device that paints on a printer
QProcess Used to start external programs and to communicate with them
QProgressBar Horizontal or vertical progress bar
QProgressDialog Feedback on the progress of a slow operation
QProxyModel Support for processing data passed between another model and a view
QPushButton Command button
QQueue Generic container that provides a queue
QRadialGradient Used in combination with QBrush to specify a radial gradient brush
QRadioButton Radio button with a text label
QRasterPaintEngine Enables hardware acceleration of painting operations in Qtopia Core
QReadLocker Convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for read access
QReadWriteLock Read-write locking
QRect Defines a rectangle in the plane using integer precision
QRectF Defines a rectangle in the plane using floating point precision
QRegExp Pattern matching using regular expressions
QRegExpValidator Used to check a string against a regular expression
QRegion Clip region for a painter
QResizeEvent Event parameters for resize events
QResource Interface for reading directly from resources
QRubberBand Rectangle or line that can indicate a selection or a boundary
QScreen Base class for screen drivers in Qtopia Core
QScreenCursor Base class for screen cursors in Qtopia Core
QScreenDriverFactory Creates screen drivers in Qtopia Core
QScreenDriverPlugin Abstract base class for screen driver plugins in Qtopia Core
QScrollArea Scrolling view onto another widget
QScrollBar Vertical or horizontal scroll bar
QSemaphore General counting semaphore
QSessionManager Access to the session manager
QSet Template class that provides a hash-table-based set
QSetIterator Java-style const iterator for QSet
QSettings Persistent platform-independent application settings
QSharedData Base class for shared data objects
QSharedDataPointer Pointer to a shared data object
QShortcut Used to create keyboard shortcuts
QShortcutEvent Event which is generated when the user presses a key combination
QShowEvent Event that is sent when a widget is shown
QSignalMapper Bundles signals from identifiable senders
QSignalSpy Enables introspection of signal emission
QSize Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using integer point precision
QSizeF Defines the size of a two-dimensional object using floating point precision
QSizeGrip Resize handle for resizing top-level windows
QSizePolicy Layout attribute describing horizontal and vertical resizing policy
QSlider Vertical or horizontal slider
QSocketNotifier Support for monitoring activity on a file descriptor
QSortFilterProxyModel Support for sorting and filtering data passed between another model and a view
QSound Access to the platform audio facilities
QSpacerItem Blank space in a layout
QSpinBox Spin box widget
QSplashScreen Splash screen that can be shown during application startup
QSplitter Implements a splitter widget
QSplitterHandle Handle functionality of the splitter
QStack Template class that provides a stack
QStackedLayout Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time
QStackedWidget Stack of widgets where only one widget is visible at a time
QStandardItem Item for use with the QStandardItemModel class
QStandardItemEditorCreator The possibility to register widgets without having to subclass QItemEditorCreatorBase
QStandardItemModel Generic model for storing custom data
QStatusBar Horizontal bar suitable for presenting status information
QStatusTipEvent Event that is used to show messages in a status bar
QString Unicode character string
QStringList List of strings
QStringListModel Model that supplies strings to views
QStringMatcher Holds a sequence of characters that can be quickly matched in a Unicode string
QStringRef Thin wrapper around QString substrings
QStyle Abstract base class that encapsulates the look and feel of a GUI
QStyleFactory Creates QStyle objects
QStyleHintReturn Style hints that return more than basic data types
QStyleHintReturnMask Style hints that return a QRegion
QStyleHintReturnVariant Style hints that return a QVariant
QStyleOption Stores the parameters used by QStyle functions
QStyleOptionButton Used to describe the parameters for drawing buttons
QStyleOptionComboBox Used to describe the parameter for drawing a combobox
QStyleOptionComplex Used to hold parameters that are common to all complex controls
QStyleOptionDockWidget Used to describe the parameters for drawing a dock widget
QStyleOptionFocusRect Used to describe the parameters for drawing a focus rectangle with QStyle
QStyleOptionFrame Used to describe the parameters for drawing a frame
QStyleOptionFrameV2 Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.1 or above
QStyleOptionGraphicsItem Used to describe the parameters needed to draw a QGraphicsItem
QStyleOptionGroupBox Describes the parameters for drawing a group box
QStyleOptionHeader Used to describe the parameters for drawing a header
QStyleOptionMenuItem Used to describe the parameter necessary for drawing a menu item
QStyleOptionProgressBar Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress bar
QStyleOptionProgressBarV2 Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a progress bar in Qt 4.1 or above
QStyleOptionQ3DockWindow Used to describe the parameters for drawing various parts of a
QStyleOptionQ3ListView Used to describe the parameters for drawing a Q3ListView
QStyleOptionQ3ListViewItem Used to describe an item drawn in a Q3ListView
QStyleOptionRubberBand Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a rubber band
QStyleOptionSizeGrip Used to describe the parameter for drawing a size grip
QStyleOptionSlider Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a slider
QStyleOptionSpinBox Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a spin box
QStyleOptionTab Used to describe the parameters for drawing a tab bar
QStyleOptionTabBarBase Used to describe the base of a tab bar, i.e. the part that the tab bar usually overlaps with
QStyleOptionTabV2 Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a tabs in Qt 4.1 or above
QStyleOptionTabWidgetFrame Used to describe the parameters for drawing the frame around a tab widget
QStyleOptionTitleBar Used to describe the parameters for drawing a title bar
QStyleOptionToolBar Used to describe the parameters for drawing a toolbar
QStyleOptionToolBox Used to describe the parameters needed for drawing a tool box
QStyleOptionToolBoxV2 Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.3 or above
QStyleOptionToolButton Used to describe the parameters for drawing a tool button
QStyleOptionViewItem Used to describe the parameters used to draw an item in a view widget
QStyleOptionViewItemV2 Used to describe the parameters necessary for drawing a frame in Qt 4.2 or above
QStylePainter Convenience class for drawing QStyle elements inside a widget
QStylePlugin Abstract base for custom QStyle plugins
QSyntaxHighlighter Allows you to define syntax highlighting rules, and in addition you can use the class to query a document's current formatting or user data
QSysInfo Information about the system
QSystemLocale Can be used to finetune the system locale of the user
QSystemTrayIcon Icon for an application in the system tray
QTabBar Tab bar, e.g. for use in tabbed dialogs
QTabWidget Stack of tabbed widgets
QTableView Default model/view implementation of a table view
QTableWidget Item-based table view with a default model
QTableWidgetItem Item for use with the QTableWidget class
QTableWidgetSelectionRange Container for storing a selection range in a QTableWidget
QTabletEvent Parameters that describe a Tablet event
QTemporaryFile I/O device that operates on temporary files
QTestEventList List of GUI events
QTextBlock Container for text fragments in a QTextDocument
QTextBlockFormat Formatting information for blocks of text in a QTextDocument
QTextBlockGroup Container for text blocks within a QTextDocument
QTextBlockUserData Used to associate custom data with blocks of text
QTextBrowser Rich text browser with hypertext navigation
QTextCharFormat Formatting information for characters in a QTextDocument
QTextCodec Conversions between text encodings
QTextCodecPlugin Abstract base for custom QTextCodec plugins
QTextCursor Offers an API to access and modify QTextDocuments
QTextDecoder State-based decoder
QTextDocument Holds formatted text that can be viewed and edited using a QTextEdit
QTextDocumentFragment Represents a piece of formatted text from a QTextDocument
QTextEdit Widget that is used to edit and display both plain and rich text
QTextEncoder State-based encoder
QTextFormat Formatting information for a QTextDocument
QTextFragment Holds a piece of text in a QTextDocument with a single QTextCharFormat
QTextFrame Represents a frame in a QTextDocument
QTextFrameFormat Formatting information for frames in a QTextDocument
QTextIStream Convenience class for input streams
QTextImageFormat Formatting information for images in a QTextDocument
QTextInlineObject Represents an inline object in a QTextLayout
QTextLayout Used to lay out and paint a single paragraph of text
QTextLength Encapsulates the different types of length used in a QTextDocument
QTextLine Represents a line of text inside a QTextLayout
QTextList Decorated list of items in a QTextDocument
QTextListFormat Formatting information for lists in a QTextDocument
QTextOStream Convenience class for output streams
QTextObject Base class for different kinds of objects that can group parts of a QTextDocument together
QTextOption Description of general rich text properties
QTextStream Convenient interface for reading and writing text
QTextTable Represents a table in a QTextDocument
QTextTableCell Represents the properties of a cell in a QTextTable
QTextTableFormat Formatting information for tables in a QTextDocument
QThread Platform-independent threads
QThreadStorage Per-thread data storage
QTime Clock time functions
QTimeEdit Widget for editing times based on the QDateTimeEdit widget
QTimeLine Timeline for controlling animations
QTimer Repetitive and single-shot timers
QTimerEvent Parameters that describe a timer event
QToolBar Movable panel that contains a set of controls
QToolBox Column of tabbed widget items
QToolButton Quick-access button to commands or options, usually used inside a QToolBar
QToolTip Tool tips (balloon help) for any widget
QTransform 2D transformations of a coordinate system
QTranslator Internationalization support for text output
QTreeView Default model/view implementation of a tree view
QTreeWidget Tree view that uses a predefined tree model
QTreeWidgetItem Item for use with the QTreeWidget convenience class
QTreeWidgetItemIterator Way to iterate over the items in a QTreeWidget instance
QUndoCommand The base class of all commands stored on a QUndoStack
QUndoGroup Group of QUndoStack objects
QUndoStack Stack of QUndoCommand objects
QUndoView Displays the contents of a QUndoStack
QUrl Convenient interface for working with URLs
QUuid Stores a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
QVBoxLayout Lines up widgets vertically
QValidator Validation of input text
QVarLengthArray Low-level variable-length array
QVariant Acts like a union for the most common Qt data types
QVector Template class that provides a dynamic array
QVectorIterator Java-style const iterator for QVector and QStack
QWSCalibratedMouseHandler Mouse calibration and noise reduction in Qtopia Core
QWSClient Encapsulates a client process in Qtopia Core
QWSEmbedWidget Enabels embedded top-level widgets in Qtopia Core
QWSEvent Encapsulates an event in Qtopia Core
QWSInputMethod International input methods in Qtopia Core
QWSKeyboardHandler Base class for keyboard drivers in Qtopia Core
QWSMouseHandler Base class for mouse drivers in Qtopia Core
QWSPointerCalibrationData Container for mouse calibration data in Qtopia Core
QWSScreenSaver Base class for screensavers in Qtopia Core
QWSServer Encapsulates a server process in Qtopia Core
QWSWindow Encapsulates a top-level window in Qtopia Core
QWaitCondition Condition variable for synchronizing threads
QWhatsThis Simple description of any widget, i.e. answering the question "What's This?"
QWhatsThisClickedEvent Event that can be used to handle hyperlinks in a "What's This?" text
QWheelEvent Parameters that describe a wheel event
QWidget The base class of all user interface objects
QWidgetAction Extends QAction by an interface for inserting custom widgets into action based containers, such as toolbars
QWidgetItem Layout item that represents a widget
QWindowStateChangeEvent The window state before a window state change
QWindowsMime Maps open-standard MIME to Window Clipboard formats
QWindowsStyle Microsoft Windows-like look and feel
QWindowsVistaStyle Look and feel suitable for applications on Microsoft Windows Vista
QWindowsXPStyle Microsoft Windows XP-like look and feel
QWizard Framework for wizards
QWizardPage The base class for wizard pages
QWorkspace Workspace window that can be used in an MDI application
QWriteLocker Convenience class that simplifies locking and unlocking read-write locks for write access
QX11EmbedContainer XEmbed container widget
QX11EmbedWidget XEmbed client widget
QX11Info Information about the X display configuration

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Qt 4.3.2