Python/FAQ/Доступ к базам данных
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Версия от 14:27, 3 декабря 2008; Root (Обсуждение | вклад)
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[править] Introduction
# See for Database Interfaces details. # currently listed on # # DB/2, Informix, Interbase, Ingres, JDBC, MySQL, pyodbc, mxODBC, ODBC Interface, # DCOracle, DCOracle2, PyGresQL, psycopg, PySQLite, sapdbapi, Sybase, ThinkSQL. #
[править] Making and Using a DBM File
#------------------------------------- import anydbm filename = "test.db" try: db = except anydbm, err: print "Can't open %s: %s!" % (filename, err) db["key"] = "value" # put value into database if "key" in db: # check whether in database val = db.pop("key") # retrieve and remove from database db.close() # close the database #------------------------------------- # download the following standalone program #!/usr/bin/python # userstats - generates statistics on who logged in. # call with an argument to display totals import sys, os, anydbm, re db_file = '/tmp/userstats.db' # where data is kept between runs try: db =,'c') # open, create if it does not exist except: print "Can't open db %s: %s!" % (db_file, sys.exc_info()[1]) sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) > 1: if sys.argv[1] == 'ALL': userlist = db.keys() else: userlist = sys.argv[1:] userlist.sort() for user in userlist: if db.has_key(user): print "%s\t%s" % (user, db[user]) else: print "%s\t%s" % (user, 0) else: who = os.popen('who').readlines() # run who(1) if len(who)<1: print "error running who" # exit sys.exit(1) # extract username (first thin on the line) and update user_re = re.compile("^(\S+)") for line in who: fnd = if not fnd: print "Bad line from who: %s" % line sys.exit(1) user = fnd.groups()[0] if not db.has_key(user): db[user] = "0" db[user] = str(int(db[user])+1) # only strings are allowed db.close()
[править] Emptying a DBM File
# Emptying a DBM File import anydbm try: db =,'w') # open, for writing except anydbm.error, err: print "Can't open db %s: %s!" % (filename, err) raise SystemExit(1) db.clear() db.close() # ------------------------------- try: db =,'n') # open, always create a new empty db except anydbm.error, err: print "Can't open db %s: %s!" % (filename, err) raise SystemExit(1) db.close() # ------------------------------- import os try: os.remove(FILENAME) except OSError, err: print "Couldn't remove %s to empty the database: %s!" % (FILENAME, err) raise SystemExit try: db =,'n') # open, flways create a new empty db except anydbm.error, err: print "Couldn't create %s database: %s!" % (FILENAME, err) raise SystemExit
[править] Converting Between DBM Files
# Converting Between DBM Files # download the following standalone program #!/usr/bin/python # db2gdbm: converts DB to GDBM import sys import dbm, gdbm if len(sys.argv)<3: print "usage: db2gdbm infile outfile" sys.exit(1) (infile, outfile) = sys.argv[1:] # open the files try: db_in = except: print "Can't open infile %s: %s!" % (infile, sys.exc_info()[1]) sys.exit(1) try: db_out =,"n") except: print "Can't open outfile %s: %s!" % (outfile, sys.exc_info()[1]) sys.exit(1) # copy (don't use db_out = db_in because it's slow on big databases) # is this also so for python ? for k in db_in.keys(): db_out[k] = db_in[k] # these close happen automatically at program exit db_out.close() db_in.close()
[править] Merging DBM Files
OUTPUT.update(INPUT1) OUTPUT.update(INPUT2) OUTPUT ="OUT","n") for INPUT in (INPUT1, INPUT2, INPUT1): for key, value in INPUT.iteritems(): if OUTPUT.has_key(key): # decide which value to use and set OUTPUT[key] if necessary print "key %s already present: %s, new: %s" % ( key, OUTPUT[key], value ) else: OUTPUT[key] = value
[править] Locking DBM Files
# On systems where the Berkeley DB supports it, dbhash takes an # "l" flag: import dbhash"mydb.db", "cl") # 'c': create if doesn't exist # @@INCOMPLETE@@
[править] Sorting Large DBM Files
[править] Treating a Text File as a Database Array
[править] Storing Complex Data in a DBM File
# shelve uses anydbm to access and chooses between DBMs. # anydbm detect file formats automatically. import shelve db ="celebrities.db") name1 = "Greg Stein" name2 = "Greg Ward" # shelve uses pickle to convert objects into strings and back. # This is automatic. db[name1] = ["of ViewCVS fame", ""] db[name2] = ["of Distutils fame", ""] greg1 = db[name1] greg2 = db[name2] print "Two Gregs: %x %x" % (id(greg1), id(greg2)) if greg1 == greg2: print "You're having runtime fun with one Greg made two." else: print "No two Gregs are ever alike." # Changes to mutable entries are not written back by default. # You can get the copy, change it, and put it back. entry = db[name1] entry[0] = "of Subversion fame" db[name1] = entry # Or you can open shelve with writeback option. Then you can # change mutable entries directly. (New in 2.3) db ="celebrities.db", writeback=True) db[name2][0] = "of Optik fame" # However, writeback option can consume vast amounts of memory # to do its magic. You can clear cache with sync(). db.sync() #-----------------------------
[править] Persistent Data
# DON'T DO THIS. import os as _os, shelve as _shelve _fname = "persist.db" if not _os.path.exists(_fname): var1 = "foo" var2 = "bar" _d ="persist.db") globals().update(_d) print "var1 is %s; var2 is %s"%(var1, var2) var1 = raw_input("New var1: ") var2 = raw_input("New var2: ") for key, val in globals().items(): if not key.startswith("_"): _d[key] = val # @@INCOMPLETE@@
[править] Executing an SQL Command Using DBI and DBD
#----------------------------- import dbmodule dbconn = dbmodule.connect(arguments...) cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) while True: row = cursor.fetchone() if row is None: break ... cursor.close() dbconn.close() #----------------------------- import MySQLdb import pwd dbconn = MySQLdb.connect(db='dbname', host='', port=3306, user='user', passwd='password') cursor = dbconn.cursor() cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE users (uid INT, login CHAR(8))") # Note: some databases use %s for parameters, some use ? or other # formats sql_fmt = "INSERT INTO users VALUES( %s, %s )" for userent in pwd.getpwall(): # the second argument contains a list of parameters which will # be quoted before being put in the query cursor.execute(sql_fmt, (userent.pw_uid, userent.pw_name)) cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE uid < 50") for row in cursor.fetchall(): # NULL will be displayed as None print ", ".join(map(str, row)) cursor.execute("DROP TABLE users") cursor.close() dbconn.close() #-----------------------------
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