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Groovy · |
[править] Introduction
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Groovy builds on Java's file and io classes which provide an operating // system independent abstraction of a file system. The actual File class // is the main class of interest. It represents a potential file or // directory - which may or may not (yet) exist. In versions of Java up to // and including Java 6, the File class was missing some of the functionality // required to implement some of the examples in the Chapter (workarounds // and alternatives are noted below). In Java 7, (also known as "Dolphin") // new File abstraction facilities are being worked on but haven't yet been // publically released. These new features are known as JSR 203 and are // referred to when relevant to some of the examples. Thanks to Alan Bateman // from Sun for clarification regarding various aspects of JSR 203. Apologies // if I misunderstood any aspects relayed to me and also usual disclaimers // apply regarding features which may change or be dropped before release. // path='/usr/bin'; file='vi' // linux/mac os? path='C:/windows'; file='explorer.exe' // windows entry = new File("$path") assert entry.isDirectory() entry = new File("$path/$file") assert entry.isFile() println File.separator // => \ (on Windows) // => / (on Unix) // however if you just stick to backslashes Java converts for you // in most situations // File modification time (no exact equivalent of ctime - but you can // call stat() using JNI or use exec() of dir or ls to get this kind of info) // JSR 203 also plans to provide such info in Java 7. println new Date(entry.lastModified()) // => Wed Aug 04 07:00:00 EST 2004 // file size println entry.size() // => 1032192 // check if we have permission to read the file assert entry.canRead() // check if file is binary or text? // There is no functionality for this at the file level. // Java has the Java Activation Framework (jaf) which is used to // associate files (and streams) with MIME Types and subsequently // binary data streams or character encodings for (potentially // multilanguage) text files. JSR-203 provides a method to determine // the MIME type of a file. Depending on the platform the file type may // be determined based on a file attribute, file name "extension", the // bytes of the files (byte sniffing) or other means. It is service // provider based so developers can plug in their own file type detection // mechanisms as required. "Out of the box" it will ship with file type // detectors that are appropriate for the platform (integrates with GNOME, // Windows registry, etc.). // Groovy uses File for directories and files // displayAllFilesInUsrBin: new File('/usr/bin').eachFile{ file -> println "Inside /usr/bin is something called $" } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Getting and Setting Timestamps
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- file = new File("filename") file << 'hi' timeModified = file.lastModified() println new Date(timeModified) // => Sun Jan 07 11:49:02 EST 2007 MILLIS_PER_WEEK = 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000 * 7 file.setLastModified(timeModified - MILLIS_PER_WEEK) println new Date(file.lastModified()) // => Sun Dec 31 11:49:02 EST 2006 // Java currently doesn't provide access to other timestamps but // there are things that can be done: // (1) You can use JNI to call to C, e.g. stat() // (2) Use exec() and call another program, e.g. dir, ls, ... to get the value you are after // (3) Here is a Windows specific patch to get lastAccessedTime and creationTime // // (4) There is an informal patch for Java 5/6 which gives lastAccessedTime on Windows and Linux // and creationTime on windows: // // (5) JSR 203 (currently targetted for Java 7) aims to provide // "bulk access to file attributes, change notification, escape to filesystem-specific APIs" // this is supposed to include creationTime and lastAccessedTime along with many // security-related file attributes // viFileWithoutChangingModificationTimeScript: #!/usr/bin/groovy // uvi - vi a file without changing it's last modified time if (args.size() != 1) println "usage: uvi filename" System.exit(1) } file = args[0] origTime = new File(file).lastModified() "vi $file".execute() new File(file).setLastModified(origTime) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Deleting a File
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- println new File('/doesnotexist').exists() // => false println new File('/doesnotexist').delete() // => false new File('/createme') << 'Hi there' println new File('/createme').exists() // => true println new File('/createme').delete() // => true names = ['file1','file2','file3'] files = names.collect{ new File(it) } // create 2 of the files files[0..1].each{ f -> f << } def deleteFiles(files) { def problemFileNames = [] files.each{ f -> if (!f.delete()) problemFileNames += } def delCnt = files.size() - problemFileNames.size() println "Successfully deleted $delCnt of ${files.size()} file(s)" if (problemFileNames) println "Problems file(s): " + problemFileNames.join(', ') } deleteFiles(files) // => // Successfully deleted 2 of 3 file(s) // Problems file(s): file3 // we can also set files for deletion on exit tempFile = new File('/xxx') assert !tempFile.exists() tempFile << 'junk' assert tempFile.exists() tempFile.deleteOnExit() assert tempFile.exists() // To confirm this is working, run these steps multiple times in a row. // Discussion: // Be careful with deleteOnExit() as there is no way to cancel it. // There are also mechanisms specifically for creating unqiuely named temp files. // On completion of JSR 203, there will be additional methods available for // deleting which throw exceptions with detailed error messages rather than // just return booleans. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Copying or Moving a File
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // (1) Copy examples //shared setup dummyContent = 'some content' + System.getProperty('line.separator') setUpFromFile() setUpToFile() // built-in copy via memory (text files only) to << from.text checkSuccessfulCopyAndDelete() // built-in as a stream (text or binary) with optional encoding to << from.asWritable('US-ASCII') checkSuccessfulCopyAndDelete() // built-in using AntBuilder // for options, see: new AntBuilder().copy( file: from.canonicalPath, tofile: to.canonicalPath ) checkSuccessfulCopyAndDelete() // => // [copy] Copying 1 file to D:\ // use Apache Jakarta Commons IO ( import // Copies a file to a new location preserving the lastModified date. FileUtils.copyFile(from, to) checkSuccessfulCopyAndDelete() // using execute() // "cp $from.canonicalPath $to.canonicalPath".execute() // unix println "cmd /c \"copy $from.canonicalPath $to.canonicalPath\"".execute().text // dos vms checkSuccessfulCopyAndDelete() // => // 1 file(s) copied. // (2) Move examples // You can just do copy followed by delete but many OS's can just 'rename' in place // so you can additionally do using Java's functionality: assert from.renameTo(to) assert !from.exists() checkSuccessfulCopyAndDelete() // whether renameTo succeeds if from and to are on different platforms // or if to pre-exists is OS dependent, so you should check the return boolean // alternatively, Ant has a move task: // //helper methods def checkSuccessfulCopyAndDelete() { assert to.text == dummyContent assert to.delete() assert !to.exists() } def setUpFromFile() { from = new File('/from.txt') // just a name from << dummyContent // now its a real file with content from.deleteOnExit() // that will be deleted on exit } def setUpToFile() { to = new File('C:/to.txt') // target name to.delete() // ensure not left from previous aborted run assert !to.exists() // double check } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Recognizing Two Names for the Same File
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Groovy (because of its Java heritage) doesn't have an exact // equivalent of stat - as per 9.2 there are numerous mechanisms // to achieve the equivalent, in particular, JSR203 (still in draft) // has specific SymLink support including a FileId class in the // java.nio.filesystems package. This will allow (depending on the // operating system capabilities) files to be uniquely identified. // If you work on Unix or Linux then you'll recognize this as it device/inode. // If you are not interested in the above workarounds/future features // and you are on a unix system, you can compare the absolutePath and // canonicalPath attributes for a file. If they are different it is // a symbolic link. On other operating systems, this difference is not // to be relied upon and even on *nix systems, this will only get you // so far and will also be relatively expensive resource and timewise. // process only unique files seen = [] def myProcessing(file) { def path = file.canonicalPath if (!seen.contains(path)) { seen << path // do something with file because we haven't seen it before } } // find linked files seen = [:] filenames = ['/dummyfile1.txt','/test.lnk','/dummyfile2.txt'] filenames.each{ filename -> def file = new File(filename) def cpath = file.canonicalPath if (!seen.containsKey(cpath)) { seen[cpath] = [] } seen[cpath] += file.absolutePath } println 'Files with links:' println seen.findAll{ k,v -> v.size() > 1 } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Processing All Files in a Directory
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // general pattern is: // new File('dirname').eachFile{ /* do something ... */ } // setup (change this on your system) basedir = 'Pleac/src' // process all files printing out full name (. and .. auto excluded) new File(basedir).eachFile{ f-> if (f.isFile()) println f.canonicalPath } // also remove dot files such as '.svn' and '.cvs' etc. new File(basedir).eachFileMatch(~'^[^.].*'){ f-> if (f.isFile()) println f.canonicalPath } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Globbing, or Getting a List of Filenames Matching a Pattern
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Globbing via Apache Jakarta ORO import dir = new File(basedir) namelist = dir.list(new GlobFilenameFilter('*.c')) filelist = dir.listFiles(new GlobFilenameFilter('*.h') as FilenameFilter) // Built-in matching using regex's files = [] new File(basedir).eachFileMatch(~/\.[ch]$/){ f-> if (f.isFile()) files += f } // Using Ant's FileScanner (supports arbitrary nested levels using **) // For more details about Ant FileSets, see here: // scanner = new AntBuilder().fileScanner { fileset(dir:basedir) { include(name:'**/pleac*.groovy') include(name:'Slowcat.*y') exclude(name:'**/pleac??.groovy') // chaps 10 and above exclude(name:'**/*Test*', unless:'testMode') } } for (f in scanner) { println "Found file $f" } // find and sort directories with numeric names candidateFiles = new File(basedir).listFiles() allDigits = { =~ /^\d+$/ } isDir = { it.isDirectory() } dirs = candidateFiles.findAll(isDir).findAll(allDigits)*.canonicalPath.sort() println dirs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Processing All Files in a Directory Recursively
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // find all files recursively dir = new File(basedir) files = [] dir.eachFileRecurse{ files += it } // find total size sum = files.sum{ it.size() } println "$basedir contains $sum bytes" // => Pleac/src contains 365676 bytes // find biggest biggest = files.max{ it.size() } println "Biggest file is $ with ${biggest.size()} bytes" // => Biggest file is pleac6.groovy with 42415 bytes // find most recently modified youngest = files.max{ it.lastModified() } println "Most recently modified is $, changed ${new Date(youngest.lastModified())}" // => Most recently modified is pleac9.groovy, changed Tue Jan 09 07:35:39 EST 2007 // find all directories dir.eachDir{ println 'Found: ' +} // find all directories recursively dir.eachFileRecurse{ f -> if (f.isDirectory()) println 'Found: ' + f.canonicalPath} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Removing a Directory and Its Contents
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- base = new File('path_to_somewhere_to_delete') // delete using Jakarta Apache Commons IO FileUtils.deleteDirectory(base) // delete using Ant, for various options see: // ant = new AntBuilder() ant.delete(dir: base) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Renaming Files
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- names = ['Pleac/src/', 'Pleac/src/def.groovy'] names.each{ name -> new File(name).renameTo(new File(name + '.bak')) } // The Groovy way of doing rename using an expr would be to use a closure // for the expr: // groovySimpleRenameScript: #!/usr/bin/groovy // usage rename closure_expr filenames op = args[0] println op files = args[1..-1] shell = new GroovyShell(binding) files.each{ f -> newname = shell.evaluate("$op('$f')") new File(f).renameTo(new File(newname)) } // this would allow processing such as: //% rename "{n -> 'FILE_' + n.toUpperCase()}" files // with param pleac9.groovy => FILE_PLEAC9.GROOVY //% rename "{n -> n.replaceAll(/9/,'nine') }" files // with param pleac9.groovy => pleacnine.groovy // The script could also be modified to take the list of // files from stdin if no args were present (not shown). // The above lets you type any Groovy code, but instead you might // decide to provide the user with some DSL-like additions, e.g. // adding the following lines into the script: sep = File.separator ext = { '.' + it.tokenize('.')[-1] } base = { new File(it).name - ext(it) } parent = { new File(it).parent } lastModified = { new Date(new File(it).lastModified()) } // would then allow the following more succinct expressions: //% rename "{ n -> parent(n) + sep + base(n).reverse() + ext(n) }" files // with param Pleac/src/pleac9.groovy => Pleac\src\9caelp.groovy //% rename "{ n -> base(n) + '_' + lastModified(n).year + ext(n) }" files // with param pleac9.groovy => pleac9_07.groovy // As a different alternative, you could hook into Ant's mapper mechanism. // You wouldn't normally type in this from the command-line but it could // be part of a script, here is an example (excludes the actual rename part) ant = new AntBuilder() ant.pathconvert(property:'result',targetos:'windows'){ path(){ fileset(dir:'Pleac/src', includes:'pleac?.groovy') } compositemapper{ globmapper(from:'*1.groovy', to:'*1.groovy.bak') regexpmapper(from:/^(.*C2)\.(.*)$/, to:/\1_beta.\2/, casesensitive:'no') chainedmapper{ packagemapper(from:'*pleac3.groovy', to:'*3.xml') filtermapper(){ replacestring(from:'C:.', to:'') } } chainedmapper{ regexpmapper(from:/^(.*)4\.(.*)$/, to:/\1_4.\2/) flattenmapper() filtermapper(){ replacestring(from:'4', to:'four') } } } } println ant.antProject.getProperty('result').replaceAll(';','\n') // => // C:\Projects\GroovyExamples\Pleac\src\pleac1.groovy.bak // C:\Projects\GroovyExamples\Pleac\src\pleac2_beta.groovy // Projects.GroovyExamples.Pleac.src.3.xml // pleac_four.groovy //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Splitting a Filename into Its Component Parts
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Splitting a Filename into Its Component Parts path = new File('Pleac/src/pleac9.groovy') assert path.parent == 'Pleac' + File.separator + 'src' assert == 'pleac9.groovy' ext ='.')[-1] assert ext == 'groovy' // No fileparse_set_fstype() equivalent in Groovy/Java. Java's File constructor // automatically performs such a parse and does so appropriately of the operating // system it is running on. In addition, 3rd party libraries allow platform // specific operations ot be performed. As an example, many Ant tasks are OS // aware, e.g. the pathconvert task (callable from an AntBuilder instance) has // a 'targetos' parameter which can be one of 'unix', 'windows', 'netware', // 'tandem' or 'os/2'. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Program: symirror
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Given the previous discussion regarding the lack of support for symlinks // in Java's File class without exec'ing to the operating system or doing // a JNI call (at least until JSR 203 arrives), I have modified this example // to perform an actual replica forest of actual file copies rather than // a shadow forest full of symlinks pointing back at the real files. // Use Apache Jakarta Commons IO srcdir = new File('Pleac/src') // path to src destdir = new File('C:/temp') // path to dest preserveFileStamps = true FileUtils.copyDirectory(srcdir, destdir, preserveFileStamps) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[править] Program: lst
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/groovy // lst - list sorted directory contents (depth first) // Given the previous discussion around Java's more limited Date // information available via the File class, this will be a reduced // functionality version of ls LONG_OPTION = 'l' REVERSE_OPTION = 'r' MODIFY_OPTION = 'm' SIZE_OPTION = 's' HELP_OPTION = 'help' op = new joptsimple.OptionParser() op.accepts( LONG_OPTION, 'long listing' ) op.accepts( REVERSE_OPTION, 'reverse listing' ) op.accepts( MODIFY_OPTION, 'sort based on modification time' ) op.accepts( SIZE_OPTION, 'sort based on size' ) op.accepts( HELP_OPTION, 'display this message' ) options = op.parse(args) if (options.wasDetected( HELP_OPTION )) { op.printHelpOn( System.out ) } else { sort = {} params = options.nonOptionArguments() longFormat = options.wasDetected( LONG_OPTION ) reversed = options.wasDetected( REVERSE_OPTION ) if (options.wasDetected( SIZE_OPTION )) { sort = {a,b -> a.size()<=>b.size()} } else if (options.wasDetected( MODIFY_OPTION )) { sort = {a,b -> a.lastModified()<=>b.lastModified()} } displayFiles(params, longFormat, reversed, sort) } def displayFiles(params, longFormat, reversed, sort) { files = [] params.each{ name -> new File(name).eachFileRecurse{ files += it } } files.sort(sort) if (reversed) files = files.reverse() files.each { file -> if (longFormat) { print ( ? 'd' : '-' ) print (file.canRead() ? 'r' : '-' ) print (file.canWrite() ? 'w ' : '- ' ) //print (file.canExecute() ? 'x' : '-' ) // Java 6 print file.size().toString().padLeft(12) + ' ' print new Date(file.lastModified()).toString().padRight(22) println ' ' + file } else { println file } } } // => // % lst -help // Option Description // ------ ------------------------------- // --help display this message // -l long listing // -m sort based on modification time // -r reverse listing // -s sort based on size // // % lst -l -m Pleac/src Pleac/lib // ... // drw 0 Mon Jan 08 22:33:00 EST 2007 Pleac\lib\.svn // -rw 18988 Mon Jan 08 22:33:41 EST 2007 Pleac\src\pleac9.groovy // -rw 2159 Mon Jan 08 23:15:41 EST 2007 Pleac\src\lst.groovy // // % -l -s -r Pleac/src Pleac/lib // -rw 1034049 Sun Jan 07 19:24:41 EST 2007 Pleac\lib\ant.jar // -r- 1034049 Sun Jan 07 19:40:27 EST 2007 Pleac\lib\.svn\text-base\ant.jar.svn-base // -rw 421008 Thu Jun 02 15:15:34 EST 2005 Pleac\lib\ant-nodeps.jar // -rw 294436 Sat Jan 06 21:19:58 EST 2007 Pleac\lib\geronimo-javamail_1.3.1_mail-1.0.jar // ... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------