Qt:Документация 4.3.2/qcontextmenuevent-qt3

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Qt 3 Support Members for QContextMenuEvent

Описанные ниже члены класса являются частью слоя поддержки Qt 3. Они введены для поддержки старого кода в Qt 4. Мы советуем не использовать их во вновь создаваемом коде.

Открытые функции

Описание функций-членов

QContextMenuEvent::QContextMenuEvent ( Reason reason, const QPoint & pos, const QPoint & globalPos, int dummy )

Constructs a context menu event with the given reason for the position specified by pos in widget coordinates and globalPos in global screen coordinates. dummy is ignored.

QContextMenuEvent::QContextMenuEvent ( Reason reason, const QPoint & pos, int dummy )

Constructs a context menu event with the given reason for the position specified by pos in widget coordinates. dummy is ignored.

Qt::ButtonState QContextMenuEvent::state () const

Returns the button state (a combination of mouse buttons and keyboard modifiers) immediately before the event was generated.

The returned value is a selection of the following values, combined with the OR operator: Qt::LeftButton, Qt::RightButton, Qt::MidButton, Qt::ShiftButton, Qt::ControlButton, and Qt::AltButton.

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Qt 4.3.2