Qt:Документация 4.3.2/qdesigneractioneditorinterface
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QDesignerActionEditorInterface Class Reference
[ QtDesigner module]
The QDesignerActionEditorInterface class allows you to change the focus of Qt Designer's action editor. Далее...
#include <QDesignerActionEditorInterface>
Наследует QWidget.
Открытые функции
- QDesignerActionEditorInterface ( QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0 )
- virtual ~QDesignerActionEditorInterface ()
- virtual QDesignerFormEditorInterface * core () const
- virtual void manageAction ( QAction * action ) = 0
- virtual void unmanageAction ( QAction * action ) = 0
- 201 свойство, унаследованное от QWidget
- 29 открытых функций, унаследованных от QObject
- 12 открытых функций, унаследованных от QPaintDevice
Открытые слоты
- virtual void setFormWindow ( QDesignerFormWindowInterface * formWindow ) = 0
Дополнительные унаследованные члены
- 56 свойств, унаследованных от QWidget
- 1 свойство, унаследованное от QObject
- 1 сигнал, унаследованный от QWidget
- 1 сигнал, унаследованный от QObject
- 4 статических открытых члена, унаследованных от QWidget
- 5 статических открытых членов, унаследованных от QObject
- 38 защищенных функций, унаследованных от QWidget
- 7 защищенных функций, унаследованных от QObject
- 1 защищенная функция, унаследованных от QPaintDevice
- 1 защищенный слот, унаследованый от QWidget
Подробное описание
The QDesignerActionEditorInterface class allows you to change the focus of Qt Designer's action editor.
The QDesignerActionEditorInterface class is not intended to be instantiated directly. You can retrieve an interface to Qt Designer's action editor using the QDesignerFormEditorInterface::actionEditor() function.
You can control which actions that are available in the action editor's window using the manageAction() and unmanageAction() functions. An action that is managed by Qt Designer is available in the action editor while an unmanaged action is ignored.
QDesignerActionEditorInterface also provides the core() function that you can use to retrieve a pointer to Qt Designer's current QDesignerFormEditorInterface object, and the setFormWindow() function that enables you to change the currently selected form window.
See also QDesignerFormEditorInterface and QDesignerFormWindowInterface.
Описание функций-членов
QDesignerActionEditorInterface::QDesignerActionEditorInterface ( QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags flags = 0 )
Constructs an action editor interface with the given parent and the specified window flags.
QDesignerActionEditorInterface::~QDesignerActionEditorInterface () [virtual]
Destroys the action editor interface.
QDesignerFormEditorInterface * QDesignerActionEditorInterface::core () const [virtual]
Returns a pointer to Qt Designer's current QDesignerFormEditorInterface object.
void QDesignerActionEditorInterface::manageAction ( QAction * action ) [pure virtual]
Instructs Qt Designer to manage the specified action. An action that is managed by Qt Designer is available in the action editor.
See also unmanageAction().
void QDesignerActionEditorInterface::setFormWindow ( QDesignerFormWindowInterface * formWindow ) [pure virtual slot]
Sets the currently selected form window to formWindow.
void QDesignerActionEditorInterface::unmanageAction ( QAction * action ) [pure virtual]
Instructs Qt Designer to ignore the specified action. An unmanaged action is not available in the action editor.
See also manageAction().
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