Ruby/String/String Concatenation

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Версия от 17:56, 13 сентября 2010; ViGOur (Обсуждение | вклад)
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append a string with the

puts "Hello, " << "Matz!"

Append one string to another with the + method:

puts "Hello, " + "Matz!"

Concatenate (join) strings together, using a +

puts "It " + "was " + "too " + "Cary " + "Grant!"

Encode command in string

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# a nice greeting for myValue
puts "Hey, myValue, I"m running " + "ruby --version"

inserting value of a variable in a string

person = "Matz!"
puts "Hello, #{person}" # => Hello, Matz!

Push several strings into one

"Hello," << " " << "myValue" << "!" # => Hello, myValue!

Using the + symbol concatenates the two strings "

puts "Success!" if "Test" + "String" == "TestString"