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Версия от 20:41, 24 ноября 2010; ViGOur (Обсуждение | вклад)
1. Strings
(*---------------------------*) let string = "\\n" (* two characters, \ and an n*) let string = "Jon 'Maddog' Orwant" (* literal single quotes*) (*---------------------------*) let string = "\n" (* a "newline" character *) let string = "Jon \"Maddog\" Orwant" (* literal double quotes *) let a = " This is a multiline here document terminated by one double quote "
Accessing Substrings
let value = String.sub string offset count let value = String.sub string offset (String.length string - offset) (* or *) let value = sub_end string offset (* using *) let sub_end string offset = String.sub string offset (String.length string - offset) (*-----------------------------*) (* get a 5-byte string, skip 3, then grab 2 8-byte strings, then the rest*) (* split at 'sz' byte boundaries *) let rec split_every_n_chars sz = function | "" -> [] | s -> try let (beg, rest) = String.sub s 0 sz, sub_end s sz in beg :: split_every_n_chars sz rest with _ -> [s] let fivers = split_every_n_chars 5 string (* chop string into individual characters *) let chars = List.map (fun x -> x.[0]) (split_every_n_chars 1 string) (*-----------------------------*) let string = "This is what you have";; (* Indexes are left to right. There is no possibility to index *) (* directly from right to left *) (* "T" *) let first = String.sub string 0 1 (* "is" *) let start = String.sub string 5 2 (* "you have" *) let rest = String.sub string 13 (String.length string - 13) (* "e" *) let last = String.sub string (String.length string - 1) 1 (* "have" *) let theend = String.sub string (String.length string - 4) 4 (* "you" *) let piece = String.sub string (String.length string - 8) 3 (*-----------------------------*) let string = "This is what you have";; Printf.printf "%s" string ; (*This is what you have*) (* Change "is" to "wasn't"*) let string = (String.sub string 0 5) ^ "wasn't" ^ sub_end string 7 (*This wasn't what you have *) (*This wasn't wonderous *) let string = (String.sub string 0 (String.length string -12)) ^ "ondrous";; (* delete first character *) let string = String.sub string 1 (String.length string - 1) (*his wasn't wondrous*) (* delete last 10 characters *) let string = String.sub string 0 (String.length string -10) (*his wasn'*) (*-----------------------------*)
(* Because OCaml doesn't have the same notion of truth or definedness as Perl, * most of these examples just can't be done as they are in Perl. Some can be * approximated via the use of options, but remember, unbound variables are not * automatically assigned the value of None -- the variable has to have been * explicitly bound to None (or Some x) beforehand. *) (* use b if b is not None, else use c *) let a = match b with None -> c | _ -> b;; (* set x to y if x is currently None *) let x = match x with None -> y | _ -> x;; (* Note that these are much closer to Perls notion of definedness than truth *) (* We can set foo to either bar or "DEFAULT VALUE" in one of two ways *) (* keep foo as a string option *) let foo = match bar with Some x -> bar | _ -> Some "DEFAULT VALUE";; (* Use foo as a string *) let foo = match bar with Some x -> x | _ -> "DEFAULT VALUE";; let dir = if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 then argv.(1) else "/tmp";; (* None of the other examples really make sense in OCaml terms... *)
(*-----------------------------*) let var1, var2 = var2, var1 (*-----------------------------*) let temp = a let a = b let b = temp (*-----------------------------*) let a = "alpha" let b = "omega" let a, b = b, a (* the first shall be last -- and versa vice *) (*-----------------------------*) let alpha, beta, production = "January", "March", "August" (* move beta to alpha, * move production to beta, * move alpha to production *) let alpha, beta, production = beta, production, alpha (*-----------------------------*)
Converting Between ASCII Characters and Values
(*-----------------------------*) let num = Char.code char let char = Char.chr num (*-----------------------------*) (* char and int are distinct datatypes in OCaml *) printf "Number %d is character %c\n" num (Char.chr num) (* Number 101 is character e *) (*-----------------------------*) (* convert string to list of chars *) let explode s = let rec f acc = function | -1 -> acc | k -> f (s.[k] :: acc) (k - 1) in f [] (String.length s - 1) (* convert list of chars to string *) let implode l = let s = String.create (List.length l) in let rec f n = function | x :: xs -> s.[n] <- x; f (n + 1) xs | [] -> s in f 0 l (* ascii is list of ints. *) let ascii = List.map Char.code (explode string) let string = implode (List.map Char.ord ascii) (*-----------------------------*) let ascii_value = Char.code 'e' (* now 101 *) let character = Char.chr 101 (* now 'e' *) (*-----------------------------*) printf "Number %d is character %c\n" 101 (Char.chr 101) (*-----------------------------*) let ascii_character_numbers = List.map Char.code (explode "sample");; List.iter (printf "%d ") ascii_character_numbers; printf "\n" 115 97 109 112 108 101 let word = implode (List.map Char.chr ascii_character_numbers) let word = implode (List.map Char.chr [115; 97; 109; 112; 108; 101]);; (* same *) printf "%s\n" word sample (*-----------------------------*) let hal = "HAL" let ascii = List.map Char.code (explode hal) let ascii = List.map (( + ) 1) ascii (* add one to each ASCII value *) let ibm = implode (List.map Char.chr ascii);; printf "%s\n" ibm (* prints "IBM" *) (*-----------------------------*)
Processing a String One Character at a Time
(* One can split a string into an array of character, or corresponding ASCII * codes as follows, but this is not necessary to process the strings a * character at a time: *) let array_of_chars = Array.init (String.length s) (fun i -> s.[i]);; let array_of_codes = Array.init (String.length s) (fun i -> Char.code s.[i]);; (* or one can just use String.iter *) String.iter (fun i -> (*do something with s.[i], the ith char of the string*)) s;; (* The following function can be used to return a list of all unique keys in a * hashtable *) let keys h = let k = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> k::b) h [] in (* filter out duplicates *) List.fold_left (fun b x -> if List.mem x b then b else x::b) [] k;; (* and this function is a shorthand for adding a key,value pair to a hashtable *) let ( <<+ ) h (k,v) = Hashtbl.add h k v;; let seen = Hashtbl.create 13;; let s = "an apple a day";; let array_of_chars = Array.init (String.length s) (fun i -> s.[i]);; Array.iter (fun x -> seen <<+ (x,1)) array_of_chars; print_string "unique chars are:\t"; List.iter print_char (List.sort compare (keys seen)); print_newline ();; (* or, without the unnecessary and innefficient step of converting the string * into an array of chars *) let seen = Hashtbl.create 13;; let s = "an apple a day";; String.iter (fun x -> seen <<+ (x,1)) s; print_string "unique chars are:\t"; List.iter print_char (List.sort compare (keys seen)); print_newline ();; (* To compute the simple 31-bit checksum of a string *) let cksum s = let sum = ref 0 in String.iter (fun x -> sum := !sum + (Char.code x)) s; !sum;; (* # cksum "an apple a day";; span class="sy0"> - : int = 1248 *) (* to emulate the SysV 16-bit checksum, we will first write two routines sort of * similar to Perl's (<>), that will return the contents of a file either as a * list of strings or as a single string - not that the list of strings version * throws away the \n at the end of each line *) let slurp_to_list filename = let ic = open_in filename and l = ref [] in let rec loop () = let line = input_line ic in l := line::!l; loop () in try loop () with End_of_file -> close_in ic; List.rev !l;; let slurp_to_string filename = let ic = open_in filename and buf = Buffer.create 4096 in let rec loop () = let line = input_line ic in Buffer.add_string buf line; Buffer.add_string buf "\n"; loop () in try loop () with End_of_file -> close_in ic; Buffer.contents buf;; let cksum16 fn = let addString sum s = let sm = ref sum in String.iter (fun c -> sm := !sm + (Char.code c)) (s ^ "\n"); !sm mod 65537 (* 2^16 - 1 *)in List.fold_left addString 0 (slurp_to_list fn);; (* or *) let cksum16 fn = let sum = ref 0 and s = slurp_to_string fn in String.iter (fun c -> sum := (!sum + (Char.code c)) mod 65537) s; !sum;; (* Note: slowcat as written is meant to be run from the command line, not in the * toplevel *) #!/usr/local/bin/ocaml (* slowcat - emulate a s l o w line printer *) (* usage: slowcat [-DELAY] [files ...] *) #load "unix.cma";; (* make sure you have the code for the slurp_to_string function in this file as * well... *) let _ = let delay,fs = try (float_of_string Sys.argv.(1)),2 with Failure _ -> 1.,1 in let files = Array.sub Sys.argv fs (Array.length Sys.argv - fs) in let print_file f = let s = slurp_to_string f in String.iter (fun c -> print_char c; ignore(Unix.select [] [] [] (0.005 *. delay))) s in Array.iter print_file files;;
Reversing a String by Word or Character
(* To flip the characters of a string, we can use a for loop. * Note that this version does not destructively update the string *) let reverse s = let len = String.length s - 1 in let s' = String.create (len + 1) in for i = 0 to len do s'.[i] <- s.[len - i] done; s';; (* to modify the string in place, we can use the following function *) let reverse_in_place s = let len = String.length s - 1 in for i = 0 to (len + 1)/ 2 - 1 do let t = s.[i] in s.[i] <- s.[len - i]; s.[len - i] <- t done;; (* To reverse the words in a string, we can use String.concat, Str.split and * List.rev. Note that this requires us to load in the Str module -- * use `#load "str.cma"' in* the toplevel, or be sure to include str.cma in the * list of object files when compiling your code. E.g.: * ocamlc other options str.cma other files -or- * ocamlopt other options str.cmxa other files *) let reverse_words s = String.concat " " (List.rev (Str.split (Str.regexp " ") s));; let is_palindrome s = s = reverse s;; (* We do need to do a bit more work that Perl to find the big palindromes in * /usr/share/dict/words ... *) let findBigPals () = let words = open_in "/usr/share/dict/words" in let rec loop () = let w = input_line words in if String.length w > 5 && w = reverse w then print_endline w; loop () in try loop () with End_of_file -> close_in words;;
Expanding and Compressing Tabs
let expand_tabs ?(spaces = 8) s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\t") (String.make spaces ' ') s;; let compress_tabs ?(spaces = 8) s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp (String.make spaces ' ')) "\t" s;; (* # let st = "\tyo baby!\n\t\tWhat the shizzle?\t(Mack)";; val st : string = "\tyo baby!\n\t\tWhat the shizzle?\t(Mack)" # let etst = expand_tabs st;; val etst : string = " yo baby!\n What the shizzle? (Mack)" # let etst = expand_tabs ~spaces:4 st;; val etst : string = " yo baby!\n What the shizzle? (Mack)" # let etst = expand_tabs ~spaces:8 st;; val etst : string = " yo baby!\n What the shizzle? (Mack)" # let rest = compress_tabs etst;; val rest : string = "\tyo baby!\n\t\tWhat the shizzle?\t(Mack)" # let rest = compress_tabs ~spaces:4 etst;; val rest : string = "\t\tyo baby!\n\t\t\t\tWhat the shizzle?\t\t(Mack)" # let rest = compress_tabs ~spaces:3 etst;; val rest : string = "\t\t yo baby!\n\t\t\t\t\t What the shizzle?\t\t (Mack)" *)
Expanding Variables in User Input
(* As far as I know there is no way to do this in OCaml due to type-safety contraints built into the OCaml compiler -- it may be feasible with *much* juju, but don't expect to see this anytime soon... If you don't mind supplying a data structure rather than capturing local variables, you can use Buffer.add_substitute to get a similar effect. *) let buffer = Buffer.create 16 let vars = [("debt", "$700 billion")] let () = Buffer.add_substitute buffer (fun name -> List.assoc name vars) "You owe $debt to me."; print_endline (Buffer.contents buffer)
Controlling Case
(* Just use the String module's uppercase, lowercase, capitalize and * uncapitalize *) let big = String.uppercase little;; (* "bo peep" -> "BO PEEP" *) let little = String.lowercase big;; (* "JOHN" -> "john" *) let big = String.capitalize little;; (* "bo" -> "Bo" *) let little = String.uncapitalize big;; (* "BoPeep" -> "boPeep" *) (* Capitalize each word's first character, downcase the rest *) let text = "thIS is a loNG liNE";; let text = String.capitalize (String.lowercase text);; print_endline text;; (* This is a long line *) (* To do case insensitive comparisons *) if String.uppercase a = String.uppercase b then print_endline "a and b are the same\n";; let randcap fn = let s = slurp_to_string fn in for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do if Random.int 100 < 20 then String.blit (String.capitalize (String.sub s i 1)) 0 s i 1 done; print_string s;; (* # randcap "/etc/passwd";; ## # User DatAbAse # # Note That this fIle is consuLTed wHen the sysTeM Is runninG In single-user # modE. At other times this iNformAtion is handlEd by one or moRe oF: # lOokupD DIrectorYServicEs # By default, lOOkupd getS inFormaTion frOm NetInFo, so thiS fIle will # not be cOnsultEd unless you hAvE cHaNged LOokupd's COnfiguratiOn. # This fiLe is usEd while in siNgle UseR Mode. # # TO Use this file for noRmal aUthEnticatIon, you may eNable it With # /ApPlicatiOns/Utilities/DiRectory AccEss. ## < ... snip ... > *)
Interpolating Functions and Expressions Within Strings
(* Again, because of OCaml's type-safe nature, actual interpolation cannot be * done inside of strings -- one must use either string concatenation or sprintf * to get the results we're looking for *) let phrase = "I have " ^ (string_of_int (n+1)) ^ " guanacos.";; let prhase = sprintf "I have %d guanacos." (n+1);;
Indenting Here Documents
#load "str.cma";; let var = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "^[\t ]+") "" "\ your text goes here ";;
Reformatting Paragraphs
(* We can emulate the Perl wrap function with the following function *) let wrap width s = let l = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") s in Format.pp_set_margin Format.str_formatter width; Format.pp_open_box Format.str_formatter 0; List.iter (fun x -> Format.pp_print_string Format.str_formatter x; Format.pp_print_break Format.str_formatter 1 0;) l; Format.flush_str_formatter ();; (* # let st = "May I say how lovely you are looking today... this wrapping has done wonders for your figure!\n";; val st : string = "May I say how lovely you are looking today... this wrapping has done wonders for your figure!\n" # print_string (wrap 50 st);; May I say how lovely you are looking today... this wrapping has done wonders for your figure! # print_string (wrap 30 st);; May I say how lovely you are looking today... this wrapping has done wonders for your figure! *) (* Note that this version doesn't allow you to specify an opening or standard * indentation (I am having trouble getting the Format module to behave as I * think it should...). However, if one only wants to print spaces there * instead of arbitrary line leaders, we can use the following version *) let wrap ?(lead=0) ?(indent=0) width s = let l = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") s in Format.pp_set_margin Format.str_formatter width; Format.pp_open_box Format.str_formatter 0; Format.pp_print_break Format.str_formatter lead indent; List.iter (fun x -> Format.pp_print_string Format.str_formatter x; Format.pp_print_break Format.str_formatter 1 indent;) l; Format.flush_str_formatter ();; (* # print_string (wrap 20 st);; May I say how lovely you are looking today... this wrapping has done wonders for your figure! - : unit = () # print_string (wrap ~lead:6 ~indent:2 20 st);; May I say how lovely you are looking today... this wrapping has done wonders for your figure! # print_string (wrap ~lead:2 20 st);; May I say how lovely you are looking today... this wrapping has done wonders for your figure! *)
Escaping Characters
(* ** The Str module is deistributed with the standard Ocaml compiler ** suit but it is not automatically pulled in by the command line ** interpreter or the compilers. ** ** The "#load" line is only needed if you are running this in the ** command interpretter. ** ** If you are using either of the ocaml compilers, you will need ** to remove the "#load" line and link in str.cmxa in the final ** compile command. *) #load "str.cma" ;; open Str let escape charlist str = let rx = Str.regexp ("\\([" ^ charlist ^ "]\\)") in Str.global_replace rx "\\\\\\1" str let text = "Mom said, \"Don't do that.\"" ;; print_endline text ;; let text = escape "'\"" text ;; print_endline text ;;
Trimming Blanks from the Ends of a String
let trim s = let s' = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "^[ \t\n]+") "" s in Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "[ \t\n]+$") "" s';; let chop s = if s = "" then s else String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1);; let chomp ?(c='\n') s = if s = "" then s else let len = String.length s - 1 in if s.[len] = c then String.sub s 0 len else s;;
Parsing Comma-Separated Data
let parse_csv = let regexp = Str.regexp (String.concat "\\|" [ "\"\\([^\"\\\\]*\\(\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*\\)*\\)\",?"; "\\([^,]+\\),?"; ","; ]) in fun text -> let rec loop start result = if Str.string_match regexp text start then let result = (try Str.matched_group 1 text with Not_found -> try Str.matched_group 3 text with Not_found -> "") :: result in loop (Str.match_end ()) result else result in List.rev ((if try String.rindex text ',' = String.length text - 1 with Not_found -> false then [""] else []) @ loop 0 []) let line = "XYZZY,\"\",\"O'Reilly, Inc\",\"Wall, Larry\",\"a \\\"glug\\\" bit,\",5,\"Error, Core Dumped\"" let () = Array.iteri (fun i x -> Printf.printf "%d : %s\n" i x) (Array.of_list (parse_csv line))
Soundex Matching
let soundex = let code_1 = Char.code '1' in let code_A = Char.code 'A' in let code_Z = Char.code 'Z' in let trans = Array.make (code_Z - code_A + 1) 0 in let add_letters number letters = let add letter = trans.(Char.code letter - code_A) <- (number + code_1) in String.iter add letters in Array.iteri add_letters [| "BFPV"; "CGJKQSXZ"; "DT"; "L"; "MN"; "R" |]; fun ?(length=4) s -> let slength = String.length s in let soundex = String.make length '0' in let rec loop i j last = if i < slength && j < length then begin let code = Char.code (Char.uppercase s.[i]) in if code >= code_A && code <= code_Z then (if j = 0 then (soundex.[j] <- Char.chr code; loop (i + 1) (j + 1) trans.(code - code_A)) else (match trans.(code - code_A) with | 0 -> loop (i + 1) j 0 | code when code <> last -> soundex.[j] <- Char.chr code; loop (i + 1) (j + 1) code | _ -> loop (i + 1) j last)) else loop (i + 1) j last end in loop 0 0 0; soundex (*-----------------------------*) let code = soundex string;; let codes = List.map soundex list;; (*-----------------------------*) #load "str.cma" #load "unix.cma" let () = print_string "Lookup user: "; let user = read_line () in if user <> "" then begin let name_code = soundex user in let regexp = Str.regexp ("\\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\\)[^,]*[^a-zA-Z_0-9]+" ^ "\\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\\)") in let passwd = open_in "/etc/passwd" in try while true do let line = input_line passwd in let name = String.sub line 0 (String.index line ':') in let {Unix.pw_gecos=gecos} = Unix.getpwnam name in let (firstname, lastname) = if Str.string_match regexp gecos 0 then (Str.matched_group 1 gecos, Str.matched_group 2 gecos) else ("", "") in if (name_code = soundex name || name_code = soundex lastname || name_code = soundex firstname) then Printf.printf "%s: %s %s\n" name firstname lastname done with End_of_file -> close_in passwd end
Program: fixstyle
(* fixstyle - switch first set of data strings to second set *) #load "str.cma";; let data = Hashtbl.create 0 let keys = ref [] let () = let ( => ) key value = keys := key :: !keys; Hashtbl.replace data key value in ( "analysed" => "analyzed"; "built-in" => "builtin"; "chastized" => "chastised"; "commandline" => "command-line"; "de-allocate" => "deallocate"; "dropin" => "drop-in"; "hardcode" => "hard-code"; "meta-data" => "metadata"; "multicharacter" => "multi-character"; "multiway" => "multi-way"; "non-empty" => "nonempty"; "non-profit" => "nonprofit"; "non-trappable" => "nontrappable"; "pre-define" => "predefine"; "preextend" => "pre-extend"; "re-compiling" => "recompiling"; "reenter" => "re-enter"; "turnkey" => "turn-key"; ) let pattern_text = "\\(" ^ (String.concat "\\|" (List.map Str.quote !keys)) ^ "\\)" let pattern = Str.regexp pattern_text let args = ref (List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv)) let verbose = match !args with | "-v" :: rest -> args := rest; true | _ -> false let () = if !args = [] then (Printf.eprintf "%s: reading from stdin\n" Sys.argv.(0); args := ["-"]) let replace_all text line file = String.concat "" (List.map (function | Str.Text s -> s | Str.Delim s -> if verbose then Printf.eprintf "%s => %s at %s line %d.\n" s (Hashtbl.find data s) file line; Hashtbl.find data s) (Str.full_split pattern text)) let () = List.iter (fun file -> let in_channel = if file = "-" then stdin else open_in file in let line = ref 0 in try while true do let text = input_line in_channel in incr line; print_endline (replace_all text !line file) done with End_of_file -> close_in in_channel) !args
Program: psgrep
#!/usr/bin/ocaml (* psgrep - print selected lines of ps output by compiling user queries into code *) #load "unix.cma";; (* Warning: In order to closely approximate the original recipe, this example performs dynamic evaluation using the toplevel. This mechanism is undocumented and not type-safe. Use at your own risk. The "psgrep" utility, defined below, can be used to filter the results of the command-line "ps" program. Here are some examples: Processes whose command names start with "sh": % psgrep 'String.sub command 0 2 = "sh"' Processes running with a user ID below 10: % psgrep 'uid < 10' Login shells with active ttys: % psgrep "command.[0] = '-'" 'tty <> "?"' Processes running on pseudo-ttys: % psgrep 'String.contains "pqrst" tty.[0]' Non-superuser processes running detached: % psgrep 'uid > 0 && tty = "?"' Huge processes that aren't owned by the superuser: % psgrep 'vsz > 50000' 'uid <> 0' *) (* Eval recipe thanks to Clement Capel. *) let () = Toploop.initialize_toplevel_env () let eval text = let lexbuf = (Lexing.from_string text) in let phrase = !Toploop.parse_toplevel_phrase lexbuf in ignore (Toploop.execute_phrase false Format.std_formatter phrase) let get name = Obj.obj (Toploop.getvalue name) let set name value = Toploop.setvalue name (Obj.repr value) (* Type for "ps" results. *) type ps = {f : int; uid : int; pid : int; ppid : int; pri : int; ni : string; vsz : int; rss : int; wchan : string; stat : string; tty : string; time : string; command : string} (* Based on the GNU ps from Debian Linux. Other OSs will most likely require changes to this format. *) let parse_ps_line line = Scanf.sscanf line "%d %d %d %d %d %s %d %d %6s %4s %10s %4s %s@\000" (fun f uid pid ppid pri ni vsz rss wchan stat tty time command -> {f=f; uid=uid; pid=pid; ppid=ppid; pri=pri; ni=ni; vsz=vsz; rss=rss; wchan=wchan; stat=stat; tty=tty; time=time; command=command}) let eval_predicate ps pred = (* Use "eval" to initialize each variable's name and type, then use "set" to set a value. *) eval "let f = 0;;"; set "f" ps.f; eval "let uid = 0;;"; set "uid" ps.uid; eval "let pid = 0;;"; set "pid" ps.pid; eval "let ppid = 0;;"; set "ppid" ps.ppid; eval "let pri = 0;;"; set "pri" ps.pri; eval "let ni = \"\";;"; set "ni" ps.ni; eval "let vsz = 0;;"; set "vsz" ps.vsz; eval "let rss = 0;;"; set "rss" ps.rss; eval "let wchan = \"\";;"; set "wchan" ps.wchan; eval "let stat = \"\";;"; set "stat" ps.stat; eval "let tty = \"\";;"; set "tty" ps.tty; eval "let time = \"\";;"; set "time" ps.time; eval "let command = \"\";;"; set "command" ps.command; (* Evaluate expression and return result as boolean. *) eval ("let result = (" ^ pred ^ ");;"); (get "result" : bool) exception TypeError of string exception SyntaxError of string let preds = List.tl (Array.to_list Sys.argv) let () = if preds = [] then (Printf.eprintf "usage: %s criterion ... Each criterion is an OCaml expression involving: f uid pid ppid pri ni vsz rss wchan stat tty time command All criteria must be met for a line to be printed. " Sys.argv.(0); exit 0) let () = let proc = Unix.open_process_in "ps wwaxl" in try print_endline (input_line proc); while true do let line = input_line proc in let ps = parse_ps_line line in if List.for_all (fun pred -> try eval_predicate ps pred with e -> (* Convert exceptions to strings to avoid depending on additional toplevel libraries. *) match Printexc.to_string e with | "Typecore.Error(_, _)" -> raise (TypeError pred) | "Syntaxerr.Error(_)" | "Lexer.Error(1, _)" | "Lexer.Error(_, _)" -> raise (SyntaxError pred) | "Misc.Fatal_error" -> failwith pred | _ -> raise e) preds then print_endline line done with | End_of_file -> ignore (Unix.close_process_in proc) | e -> ignore (Unix.close_process_in proc); raise e