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Версия от 20:49, 24 ноября 2010; ViGOur (Обсуждение | вклад)
[править] 17. Sockets
[править] Introduction
open Unix (* Convert human readable form to 32 bit value *) let packed_ip = inet_addr_of_string "" in let host = gethostbyname "www.oreilly.com" in let packed_ip = host.h_addr_list.(0) in (* Convert 32 bit value to ip adress *) let ip_address = string_of_inet_addr (packed_ip) in (* Create socket object *) let sock = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in (* Get socketname *) let saddr = getsockname sock ;;
[править] Writing a TCP Client
(* For real applications you should the SMTP module in Ocamlnet. *) open Unix let sock_send sock str = let len = String.length str in send sock str 0 len [] let sock_recv sock maxlen = let str = String.create maxlen in let recvlen = recv sock str 0 maxlen [] in String.sub str 0 recvlen let client_sock = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in let hentry = gethostbyname "coltrane" in connect client_sock (ADDR_INET (hentry.h_addr_list.(0), 25)) ; (* SMTP *) sock_recv client_sock 1024 ; sock_send client_sock "mail from: <pleac@localhost>\n" ; sock_recv client_sock 1024 ; sock_send client_sock "rcpt to: <erikd@localhost>\n" ; sock_recv client_sock 1024; sock_send client_sock "data\n" ; sock_recv client_sock 1024 ; sock_send client_sock "From: Ocaml whiz\nSubject: Ocaml rulez!\n\nYES!\n.\n" ; sock_recv client_sock 1024 ; close client_sock ;;
[править] Writing a TCP Server
(* Writing a TCP Server *) (* Run this and then telnet <machinename> 1027 *) #load "unix.cma" ;; open Unix ;; let server_sock = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in (* so we can restart our server quickly *) setsockopt server_sock SO_REUSEADDR true ; (* build up my socket address *) let address = (gethostbyname(gethostname())).h_addr_list.(0) in bind server_sock (ADDR_INET (address, 1029)) ; (* Listen on the socket. Max of 10 incoming connections. *) listen server_sock 10 ; (* accept and process connections *) while true do let (client_sock, client_addr) = accept server_sock in let str = "Hello\n" in let len = String.length str in let x = send client_sock str 0 len [] in shutdown client_sock SHUTDOWN_ALL done ;;
[править] Communicating over TCP
#load "unix.cma";; let () = let server_in = Unix.in_channel_of_descr server in let server_out = Unix.out_channel_of_descr server in output_string server_out "What is your name?\n"; flush server_out; let response = input_line server_in in print_endline response (*-----------------------------*) let () = try ignore (Unix.send server data_to_send 0 (String.length data_to_send) flags) with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Printf.eprintf "Can't send: %s\n%!" (Unix.error_message e); exit 1 let data_read = let data_read = String.create maxlen in let data_length = try Unix.recv server data_read 0 maxlen flags with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Printf.eprintf "Can't receive: %s\n%!" (Unix.error_message e); exit 1 in String.sub data_read 0 data_length (*-----------------------------*) let () = let read_from, _, _ = Unix.select [from_server; to_client] [] [] timeout in List.iter (fun socket -> (* read the pending data from socket *) ()) read_from (*-----------------------------*) (* Requires OCaml 3.11 or newer. *) let () = try Unix.setsockopt server Unix.TCP_NODELAY true with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Printf.eprintf "Couldn't disable Nagle's algorithm: %s\n%!" (Unix.error_message e) (*-----------------------------*) (* Requires OCaml 3.11 or newer. *) let () = try Unix.setsockopt server Unix.TCP_NODELAY false with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Printf.eprintf "Couldn't enable Nagle's algorithm: %s\n%!" (Unix.error_message e)
[править] Setting Up a UDP Client
#load "unix.cma";; (* Create a UDP socket. *) let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_DGRAM (Unix.getprotobyname "udp").Unix.p_proto (*-----------------------------*) (* Send a UDP message. *) let ipaddr = (Unix.gethostbyname hostname).Unix.h_addr_list.(0) let portaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (ipaddr, portno) let len = Unix.sendto socket msg 0 (String.length msg) [] portaddr (*-----------------------------*) (* Receive a UDP message. *) let msg = String.create maxlen let len, portaddr = Unix.recvfrom socket msg 0 maxlen [] (*-----------------------------*) #!/usr/bin/ocaml (* clockdrift - compare another system's clock with this one *) #load "unix.cma";; let secs_of_70_years = 2_208_988_800L let msgbox = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_DGRAM (Unix.getprotobyname "udp").Unix.p_proto let him = Unix.ADDR_INET ((Unix.gethostbyname (if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 then Sys.argv.(1) else "127.1")).Unix.h_addr_list.(0), (Unix.getservbyname "time" "udp").Unix.s_port) let () = ignore (Unix.sendto msgbox "" 0 0 [] him) let ptime = String.create 4 let host = match Unix.recvfrom msgbox ptime 0 4 [] with | _, Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) -> (Unix.gethostbyaddr addr).Unix.h_name | _ -> assert false let delta = Int64.to_float (Int64.sub (Int64.of_string (Printf.sprintf "0x%02x%02x%02x%02x" (int_of_char ptime.[0]) (int_of_char ptime.[1]) (int_of_char ptime.[2]) (int_of_char ptime.[3]))) secs_of_70_years) -. (Unix.time ()) let () = Printf.printf "Clock on %s is %d seconds ahead of this one.\n" host (int_of_float delta)
[править] Setting Up a UDP Server
#load "unix.cma";; let () = begin try Unix.bind socket (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, server_port)); with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Printf.eprintf "Couldn't be a udp server on port %d: %s\n" server_port (Unix.error_message e); exit 1 end; let him = String.create max_to_read in while true do ignore (Unix.recvfrom socket him 0 max_to_read []); (* do something *) done (*-----------------------------*) #!/usr/bin/ocaml (* udpqotd - UDP message server *) #load "unix.cma";; let maxlen = 1024 let portno = 5151 let sock = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_DGRAM (Unix.getprotobyname "udp").Unix.p_proto let () = Unix.bind sock (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, portno)); Printf.printf "Awaiting UDP messages on port %d\n%!" portno let oldmsg = ref "This is the starting message." let () = let newmsg = String.create maxlen in while true do let newmsg, hishost, sockaddr = match Unix.recvfrom sock newmsg 0 maxlen [] with | len, (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) as sockaddr) -> String.sub newmsg 0 len, (Unix.gethostbyaddr addr).Unix.h_name, sockaddr | _ -> assert false in Printf.printf "Client %s said ``%s''\n%!" hishost newmsg; ignore (Unix.sendto sock !oldmsg 0 (String.length !oldmsg) [] sockaddr); oldmsg := Printf.sprintf "[%s] %s" hishost newmsg done (*-----------------------------*) #!/usr/bin/ocaml (* udpmsg - send a message to the udpqotd server *) #load "unix.cma";; let maxlen = 1024 let portno = 5151 let timeout = 5 let server_host, msg = match Array.to_list Sys.argv with | _ :: head :: tail -> head, String.concat " " tail | _ -> Printf.eprintf "Usage: %s server_host msg ...\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 1 let sock = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_DGRAM (Unix.getprotobyname "udp").Unix.p_proto let sockaddr = let addr = (Unix.gethostbyname server_host).Unix.h_addr_list.(0) in Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, portno) let handle_alarm signal = Printf.eprintf "recv from %s timed out after %d seconds.\n" server_host timeout; exit 1 let () = ignore (Unix.sendto sock msg 0 (String.length msg) [] sockaddr); Sys.set_signal Sys.sigalrm (Sys.Signal_handle handle_alarm); ignore (Unix.alarm timeout); let msg = String.create maxlen in let msg, hishost = match Unix.recvfrom sock msg 0 maxlen [] with | len, Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) -> String.sub msg 0 len, (Unix.gethostbyaddr addr).Unix.h_name | _ -> assert false in ignore (Unix.alarm 0); Printf.printf "Server %s responded ``%s''\n" hishost msg
[править] Using UNIX Domain Sockets
#load "unix.cma";; (* Create a Unix domain socket server - you can also use SOCK_STREAM. *) let server = Unix.socket Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_DGRAM 0 let () = try Unix.unlink "/tmp/mysock" with Unix.Unix_error _ -> () let () = Unix.bind server (Unix.ADDR_UNIX "/tmp/mysock") (* Create a Unix domain socket client - you can also use SOCK_STREAM. *) let client = Unix.socket Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_DGRAM 0 let () = Unix.connect client (Unix.ADDR_UNIX "/tmp/mysock")
[править] Identifying the Other End of a Socket
#load "unix.cma";; (* Get the remote IP address. *) let () = let other_end = Unix.getpeername socket in let name_info = Unix.getnameinfo other_end [Unix.NI_NUMERICHOST] in let ip_address = name_info.Unix.ni_hostname in (* ... *) () (*-----------------------------*) (* Attempt to determine the remote host name, with forward and reverse DNS lookups to detect spoofing. *) let () = let other_end = Unix.getpeername socket in let name_info = Unix.getnameinfo other_end [Unix.NI_NUMERICHOST] in let actual_ip = name_info.Unix.ni_hostname in let claimed_hostname = (Unix.gethostbyaddr (Unix.inet_addr_of_string actual_ip)) .Unix.h_name in let name_lookup = Unix.gethostbyname claimed_hostname in let resolved_ips = Array.to_list (Array.map Unix.string_of_inet_addr name_lookup.Unix.h_addr_list) in (* ... *) ()
[править] Finding Your Own Name and Address
(*-----------------------------*) (* ** Finding Your Own Name and Address. ** The Unix module to the rescue again. *) #load "unix.cma" ;; open Unix ;; let hostname = gethostname () in Printf.printf "hostname : %s\n" hostname ;; (*-----------------------------*) (* ** Unfortunately there is no easy way of retreiving the ** uname without using Unix.open_process_in. *) (*-----------------------------*) let hentry = gethostbyname hostname in let address = hentry.h_addr_list.(0) in Printf.printf "address : %s\n" (string_of_inet_addr address) ;; let hentry = gethostbyaddr address in Printf.printf "hostname : %s\n" hentry.h_name ;;
[править] Closing a Socket After Forking
(* Closing a Socket After Forking *) (*-----------------------------*) shutdown sock SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE ; (* I/we have stopped reading data *) shutdown sock SHUTDOWN_SEND ; (* I/we have stopped writing data *) shutdown sock SHUTDOWN_ALL ;; (* I/we have stopped using this socket *) (*-----------------------------*) (* Using the sock_send and sock_recv functions from above. *) sock_send sock "my request\n" ; (* send some data *) shutdown sock SHUTDOWN_SEND ; (* send eof; no more writing *) let answer = sock_recv sock 4096 ;; (* but you can still read *)
[править] Writing Bidirectional Clients
#!/usr/bin/ocaml (* biclient - bidirectional forking client *) #load "unix.cma";; let host, port = match Array.to_list Sys.argv with | [_; host; port] -> host, int_of_string port | _ -> Printf.eprintf "usage: %s host port\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 1 let sockaddr = let addr = (Unix.gethostbyname host).Unix.h_addr_list.(0) in Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) let () = let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in Unix.connect socket sockaddr; Printf.eprintf "[Connected to %s:%d]\n%!" host port; (* split the program into two processes, identical twins *) match Unix.fork () with | 0 -> (* child copies standard input to the socket *) let output = Unix.out_channel_of_descr socket in while true do let line = input_line stdin in output_string output line; output_string output "\n"; flush output done | kidpid -> (* parent copies the socket to standard output *) let input = Unix.in_channel_of_descr socket in try while true do let line = input_line input in output_string stdout line; output_string stdout "\n"; flush stdout done with End_of_file -> Unix.kill kidpid Sys.sigterm let () = exit 0
[править] Forking Servers
(* set up the socket SERVER, bind and listen ... *) #load "unix.cma";; let rec reaper signal = try while true do ignore (Unix.waitpid [Unix.WNOHANG] (-1)) done with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ECHILD, _, _) -> (); Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper) let () = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper) let () = while true do try let (client, addr) = Unix.accept server in let pid = Unix.fork () in if pid = 0 then (* parent *) begin Unix.close server; (* no use to child *) (* ... do something *) exit 0 (* child leaves *) end else begin Unix.close client (* no use to parent *) end with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> () done
[править] Pre-Forking Servers
#!/usr/bin/ocaml (* preforker - server who forks first *) #load "unix.cma";; (* global variables *) let prefork = 5 let max_clients_per_child = 5 module PidSet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end) let children = ref PidSet.empty (* takes care of dead children *) let rec reaper _ = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper); match Unix.wait () with (pid, _) -> children := PidSet.remove pid !children (* signal handler for SIGINT *) let rec huntsman _ = (* we're going to kill our children *) Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld Sys.Signal_ignore; PidSet.iter (fun pid -> try Unix.kill Sys.sigint pid with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()) !children; (* clean up with dignity *) exit 0 let make_new_child server = (* block signal for fork *) let sigset = [Sys.sigint] in ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_BLOCK sigset); match Unix.fork () with | 0 -> (* Child can *not* return from this subroutine. *) (* make SIGINT kill us as it did before *) Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint Sys.Signal_default; (* unblock signals *) ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_UNBLOCK sigset); (* handle connections until we've reached max_clients_per_child *) for i = 1 to max_clients_per_child do let (client, _) = Unix.accept server in (* do something with the connection *) () done; (* tidy up gracefully and finish *) (* this exit is VERY important, otherwise the child will become a producer of more and more children, forking yourself into process death. *) exit 0 | pid -> (* Parent records the child's birth and returns. *) ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_UNBLOCK sigset); children := PidSet.add pid !children let () = (* establish SERVER socket, bind and listen. *) let server = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in Unix.setsockopt server Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true; Unix.bind server (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, 6969)); Unix.listen server 10; (* Fork off our children. *) for i = 1 to prefork do make_new_child server done; (* Install signal handlers. *) Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper); Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle huntsman); (* And maintain the population. *) while true do (* wait for a signal (i.e., child's death) *) Unix.pause (); for i = (PidSet.cardinal !children) to (prefork - 1) do (* top up the child pool *) make_new_child server done done
[править] Non-Forking Servers
#!/usr/bin/ocaml (* nonforker - server who multiplexes without forking *) #load "unix.cma";; let port = 1685 (* change this at will *) (* Listen to port. *) let server = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 let () = Unix.setsockopt server Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true; Unix.bind server (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, port)); Unix.listen server 10; Unix.set_nonblock server module FDSet = Set.Make(struct type t = Unix.file_descr let compare = compare end) let clients = ref (FDSet.singleton server) (* begin with empty buffers *) let inbuffer = Hashtbl.create 0 let outbuffer = Hashtbl.create 0 let ready = Hashtbl.create 0 let buffer_size = 8192 let buffer = String.make buffer_size '\000' (* handle deals with all pending requests for client *) let handle client requests = (* requests are in ready[client] *) (* send output to outbuffer[client] *) List.iter (fun request -> (* request is the text of the request *) let data = Printf.sprintf "You said: %s\n" request in (* put text of reply into outbuffer[client] *) Hashtbl.replace outbuffer client (try Hashtbl.find outbuffer client ^ data with Not_found -> data)) requests (* Main loop: check reads/accepts, check writes, check ready to process *) let () = while true do (* check for new information on the connections we have *) let (can_read, _, _) = Unix.select (FDSet.elements !clients) [] [] 1.0 in List.iter (fun client -> if client = server then begin (* accept a new connection *) let (client, addr) = Unix.accept server in clients := FDSet.add client !clients; Unix.set_nonblock client end else begin (* read data *) let chars_read = try Some (Unix.read client buffer 0 buffer_size) with Unix.Unix_error (error, _, _) -> prerr_endline (Unix.error_message error); None in match chars_read with | None | Some 0 -> (* This would be the end of file, so close the client *) Hashtbl.remove inbuffer client; Hashtbl.remove outbuffer client; Hashtbl.remove ready client; clients := FDSet.remove client !clients; Unix.close client | Some chars_read -> let data = String.sub buffer 0 chars_read in Hashtbl.replace inbuffer client (try Hashtbl.find inbuffer client ^ data with Not_found -> data); (* test whether the data in the buffer or the data we *) (* just read means there is a complete request waiting *) (* to be fulfilled. If there is, set ready[client] *) (* to the requests waiting to be fulfilled. *) try while true do let data = Hashtbl.find inbuffer client in let index = String.index data '\n' in Hashtbl.replace inbuffer client (String.sub data (index + 1) (String.length data - index - 1)); Hashtbl.replace ready client ((try Hashtbl.find ready client with Not_found -> []) @ [String.sub data 0 index]) done with Not_found -> () end) can_read; (* Any complete requests to process? *) Hashtbl.iter handle ready; Hashtbl.clear ready; (* Buffers to flush? *) let (_, can_write, _) = Unix.select [] (FDSet.elements !clients) [] 1.0 in (* Skip client if we have nothing to say *) let can_write = List.filter (Hashtbl.mem outbuffer) can_write in List.iter (fun client -> let data = Hashtbl.find outbuffer client in let chars_written = try Some (Unix.single_write client data 0 (String.length data)) with | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EAGAIN, _, _) | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EWOULDBLOCK, _, _) -> prerr_endline "I was told I could write, but I can't."; Some 0 | Unix.Unix_error (error, _, _) -> prerr_endline (Unix.error_message error); None in match chars_written with | Some chars_written -> if chars_written = String.length data then Hashtbl.remove outbuffer client else Hashtbl.replace outbuffer client (String.sub data chars_written (String.length data - chars_written)) | None -> (* Couldn't write all the data, and it wasn't because *) (* it would have blocked. Shutdown and move on. *) Hashtbl.remove inbuffer client; Hashtbl.remove outbuffer client; Hashtbl.remove ready client; clients := FDSet.remove client !clients; Unix.close client) can_write; let (_, _, has_exception) = Unix.select [] [] (FDSet.elements !clients) 0.0 in List.iter (fun client -> (* Deal with out-of-band data here, if you want to. *) ()) has_exception; done
[править] Writing a Multi-Homed Server
#load "unix.cma";; let server = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM (Unix.getprotobyname "tcp").Unix.p_proto let () = Unix.setsockopt server Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true; Unix.bind server (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, server_port)); Unix.listen server 10; (* accept loop *) while true do let client, sockaddr = Unix.accept server in match Unix.getsockname client with | Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) -> print_endline (Unix.string_of_inet_addr addr) | _ -> assert false done (*-----------------------------*) #load "unix.cma";; let port = 4269 (* port to bind to *) let host = "specific.host.com" (* virtual host to listen on *) let server = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM (Unix.getprotobyname "tcp").Unix.p_proto let () = let addr = (Unix.gethostbyname host).Unix.h_addr_list.(0) in Unix.bind server (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port)); Unix.listen server 10; while true do let client, sockaddr = Unix.accept server in (* ... *) () done
[править] Making a Daemon Server
#load "unix.cma";; let () = (* for the paranoid *) (* Unix.handle_unix_error Unix.chroot "/var/daemon"; *) (* fork and let parent exit *) let pid = Unix.fork () in if pid > 0 then exit 0; (* create a new session and abandon the controlling process *) ignore (Unix.setsid ()) (* flag indicating it is time to exit *) let time_to_die = ref false (* trap fatal signals *) let () = let signal_handler _ = time_to_die := true in List.iter (fun signal -> Sys.set_signal signal (Sys.Signal_handle signal_handler)) [Sys.sigint; Sys.sigterm; Sys.sighup] (* trap or ignore Sys.sigpipe *) (* server loop *) let () = while not !time_to_die do (* ... *) () done
[править] Restarting a Server on Demand
#load "unix.cma";; let self = "/usr/bin/ocaml" let args = self :: Array.to_list Sys.argv let phoenix _ = (* close all your connections, kill your children, and *) (* generally prepare to be reincarnated with dignity. *) try ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_UNBLOCK [Sys.sighup]); Unix.execv self (Array.of_list args) with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Printf.eprintf "Couldn't restart: %s\n%!" (Unix.error_message e) let () = Sys.set_signal Sys.sighup (Sys.Signal_handle phoenix) (*-----------------------------*) (* This recipe uses the Ocaml-Syck YAML parser available at: http://ocaml-syck.sourceforge.net/ *) #directory "+yaml";; #load "yaml.cma";; #load "unix.cma";; let yaml_parser = YamlParser.make () let config_file = "/usr/local/etc/myprog/server_conf.yaml" let config = ref (YamlNode.SCALAR ("", "")) let read_config _ = let in_channel = open_in config_file in let lines = ref [] in try while true do let line = input_line in_channel in lines := line :: !lines done with End_of_file -> close_in in_channel; config := YamlParser.parse_string yaml_parser (String.concat "\n" (List.rev !lines)) let () = read_config (); Sys.set_signal Sys.sighup (Sys.Signal_handle read_config)
[править] Program: backsniff
Oct 4 11:01:16 pedro sniffer: Connection from to (*-----------------------------*) echo stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/bin/ocaml ocaml /path/to/backsniff.ml (*-----------------------------*) (* backsniff - log attempts to connect to particular ports *) #load "unix.cma";; (* This recipe uses syslog-ocaml, which is available at: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ecc/software.html *) #directory "+syslog";; #load "syslog.cma";; (* identify my port and address *) let sockname = try Unix.getsockname Unix.stdin with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Printf.eprintf "Couldn't identify myself: %s\n%!" (Unix.error_message e); exit 1 let iaddr, port = match sockname with | Unix.ADDR_INET (iaddr, port) -> iaddr, port | _ -> assert false let my_address = Unix.string_of_inet_addr iaddr (* get a name for the service *) let service = try (Unix.getservbyport port "tcp").Unix.s_name with Not_found -> string_of_int port (* now identify remote address *) let sockname = try Unix.getpeername Unix.stdin with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Printf.eprintf "Couldn't identify other end: %s\n%!" (Unix.error_message e); exit 1 let iaddr, port = match sockname with | Unix.ADDR_INET (iaddr, port) -> iaddr, port | _ -> assert false let ex_address = Unix.string_of_inet_addr iaddr (* and log the information *) let () = let log = Syslog.openlog ~flags:[] ~facility:`LOG_DAEMON "sniffer" in Syslog.syslog log `LOG_NOTICE (Printf.sprintf "Connection from %s to %s:%s\n" ex_address my_address service); Syslog.closelog log; exit 0
[править] Program: fwdport
#!/usr/bin/ocaml (* fwdport -- act as proxy forwarder for dedicated services *) #load "str.cma";; #load "unix.cma";; let children = Hashtbl.create 0 (* hash of outstanding child processes *) let remote = ref "" (* whom we connect to on the outside *) let local = ref "" (* where we listen to on the inside *) let service = ref "" (* our service name or port number *) let proxy_server = ref Unix.stdin (* the socket we accept() from *) (* process command line switches *) let check_args () = Arg.parse [ "-r", Arg.Set_string remote, "Remote host"; "-remote", Arg.Set_string remote, "Remote host"; "-l", Arg.Set_string local, "Local interface"; "-local", Arg.Set_string local, "Local interface"; "-s", Arg.Set_string service, "Service"; "-service", Arg.Set_string service, "Service"; ] (fun s -> raise (Arg.Bad (Printf.sprintf "unexpected argument `%s'" s))) (Printf.sprintf "usage: %s [ -remote host ] [ -local interface ] [ -service service ]" Sys.argv.(0)); if !remote = "" then (prerr_endline "Need remote"; exit 1); if !local = "" && !service = "" then (prerr_endline "Need local or service"; exit 1); if !local = "" then local := "localhost" let parse_host host = match Str.split (Str.regexp ":") host with | [] -> "", "" | host :: [] -> host, "" | host :: service :: _ -> host, service let resolve_host host = try (Unix.gethostbyname host).Unix.h_addr_list.(0) with Not_found -> Printf.eprintf "Host not found: %s\n" host; exit 1 let resolve_service service = try int_of_string service with Failure _ -> try (Unix.getservbyname service "tcp").Unix.s_port with Not_found -> Printf.eprintf "Service not found: %s\n" service; exit 1 (* begin our server *) let start_proxy () = try let proto = (Unix.getprotobyname "tcp").Unix.p_proto in let addr, port = match parse_host (!local ^ ":" ^ !service) with | host, service -> (resolve_host host, resolve_service service) in proxy_server := Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM proto; Unix.setsockopt !proxy_server Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true; Unix.bind !proxy_server (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port)); Unix.listen !proxy_server 128; Printf.printf "[Proxy server on %s initialized.]\n%!" (if !local <> "" then !local else !service) with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) -> Printf.eprintf "Can't create proxy server: %s\n%!" (Unix.error_message e); exit 1 (* helper function to produce a nice string in the form HOST:PORT *) let peerinfo sock = match Unix.getpeername sock with | Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) -> let hostinfo = Unix.gethostbyaddr addr in Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" hostinfo.Unix.h_name port | _ -> assert false (* somebody just died. keep harvesting the dead until *) (* we run out of them. check how long they ran. *) let rec reaper signal = begin let result = try Some (Unix.waitpid [Unix.WNOHANG] (-1)) with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ECHILD, _, _) -> None in match result with | Some (child, status) when Hashtbl.mem children child -> let start = Hashtbl.find children child in let runtime = Unix.time () -. start in Printf.printf "Child %d ran %dm%fs\n%!" child (int_of_float (runtime /. 60.)) (mod_float runtime 60.); Hashtbl.remove children child; reaper signal | Some (child, status) -> Printf.printf "Bizarre kid %d exited with %s\n%!" child (match status with | Unix.WEXITED code -> "code " ^ string_of_int code | Unix.WSTOPPED signal | Unix.WSIGNALED signal -> "signal " ^ string_of_int signal); reaper signal | None -> () end; (* If I had to choose between System V and 4.2, I'd resign. *) (* --Peter Honeyman *) Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper) let service_clients () = (* harvest the moribund *) Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper); (* an accepted connection here means someone inside wants out *) while true do try begin let local_client = fst (Unix.accept !proxy_server) in let lc_info = peerinfo local_client in Printf.printf "[Connect from %s]\n%!" lc_info; let proto = (Unix.getprotobyname "tcp").Unix.p_proto in let addr, port = match parse_host (!remote ^ ":" ^ !service) with | host, service -> (resolve_host host, resolve_service service) in Printf.printf "[Connecting to %s...%!" !remote; let remote_server = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM proto in Unix.connect remote_server (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port)); Printf.printf "done]\n%!"; let local_in = Unix.in_channel_of_descr local_client in let local_out = Unix.out_channel_of_descr local_client in let remote_in = Unix.in_channel_of_descr remote_server in let remote_out = Unix.out_channel_of_descr remote_server in match Unix.fork () with | 0 -> (* at this point, we are the forked child process dedicated *) (* to the incoming client. but we want a twin to make i/o *) (* easier. *) Unix.close !proxy_server; (* no use to slave *) (* now each twin sits around and ferries lines of data. *) (* see how simple the algorithm is when you can have *) (* multiple threads of control? *) (match Unix.fork () with | 0 -> (* this is the fork's child, the master's grandchild *) (try while true do let line = input_line local_in in Printf.fprintf remote_out "%s\n%!" line done with End_of_file -> (* kill my twin cause we're done *) Unix.kill (Unix.getppid ()) Sys.sigterm) | kidpid -> (* this is the fork's parent, the master's child *) (try while true do let line = input_line remote_in in Printf.fprintf local_out "%s\n%!" line done with End_of_file -> (* kill my twin cause we're done *) Unix.kill kidpid Sys.sigterm)); exit 0 (* whoever's still alive bites it *) | kidpid -> (* remember his start time *) Hashtbl.replace children kidpid (Unix.time ()); Unix.close remote_server; (* no use to master *) Unix.close local_client; (* likewise *) end with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, "accept", _) -> () done let () = check_args (); (* processing switches *) start_proxy (); (* launch our own server *) service_clients (); (* wait for incoming *) prerr_endline "NOT REACHED"; (* you can't get here from there *) exit 1