Qt:Документация 4.3.2/qdesignerformeditorinterface
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QDesignerFormEditorInterface Class Reference
[ QtDesigner module]
The QDesignerFormEditorInterface class allows you to access Qt Designer's various components. Далее...
#include <QDesignerFormEditorInterface>
Inherits QObject.
Открытые функции
- QDesignerFormEditorInterface ( QObject * parent = 0 )
- virtual ~QDesignerFormEditorInterface ()
- QDesignerActionEditorInterface * actionEditor () const
- QExtensionManager * extensionManager () const
- QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface * formWindowManager () const
- QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface * objectInspector () const
- QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface * propertyEditor () const
- void setActionEditor ( QDesignerActionEditorInterface * actionEditor )
- void setObjectInspector ( QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface * objectInspector )
- void setPropertyEditor ( QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface * propertyEditor )
- void setWidgetBox ( QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface * widgetBox )
- QWidget * topLevel () const
- QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface * widgetBox () const
- 29 открытых функций, унаследованных от QObject
Дополнительные унаследованные члены
- 1 свойство, унаследованное от QObject
- 1 открытый слот, унаследованный от QObject
- 1 сигнал, унаследованный от QObject
- 5 статических открытых членов, унаследованных от QObject
- 7 защищенных функций, унаследованных от QObject
Подробное описание
The QDesignerFormEditorInterface class allows you to access Qt Designer's various components.
Qt Designers current QDesignerFormEditorInterface object holds information about all Qt Designers components: The action editor, the object inspector, the property editor, the widget box, and the extension and form window managers. QDesignerFormEditorInterface contains a collection of functions that provides interfaces to all these components. They are typically used to query (and manipulate) the respective component. Пример:
QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface *objectInspector = 0; objectInspector = formEditor->objectInspector(); QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface *manager = 0; manager = formEditor->formWindowManager(); objectInspector->setFormWindow(manager->formWindow(0));
QDesignerFormEditorInterface is not intended to be instantiated directly. A pointer to Qt Designer's current QDesignerFormEditorInterface object (formEditor in the example above) is provided by the QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface::initialize() function's parameter. When implementing a custom widget plugin, you must subclass the QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface to expose your plugin to Qt Designer.
QDesignerFormEditorInterface also provides functions that can set the action editor, property editor, object inspector and widget box. These are only useful if you want to provide your own custom components.
Finally, QDesignerFormEditorInterface provides the topLevel() function that returns Qt Designer's top-level widget.
See also QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface.
Описание функций-членов
QDesignerFormEditorInterface::QDesignerFormEditorInterface ( QObject * parent = 0 )
Constructs a QDesignerFormEditorInterface object with the given parent.
QDesignerFormEditorInterface::~QDesignerFormEditorInterface () [virtual]
Destroys the QDesignerFormEditorInterface object.
QDesignerActionEditorInterface * QDesignerFormEditorInterface::actionEditor () const
Returns an interface to Qt Designer's action editor.
See also setActionEditor().
QExtensionManager * QDesignerFormEditorInterface::extensionManager () const
Returns an interface to Qt Designer's extension manager.
QDesignerFormWindowManagerInterface * QDesignerFormEditorInterface::formWindowManager () const
Returns an interface to Qt Designer's form window manager.
QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface * QDesignerFormEditorInterface::objectInspector () const
Returns an interface to Qt Designer's object inspector.
See also setObjectInspector().
QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface * QDesignerFormEditorInterface::propertyEditor () const
Returns an interface to Qt Designer's property editor.
See also setPropertyEditor().
void QDesignerFormEditorInterface::setActionEditor ( QDesignerActionEditorInterface * actionEditor )
Sets Qt Designer's action editor to be the specified actionEditor.
See also actionEditor().
void QDesignerFormEditorInterface::setObjectInspector ( QDesignerObjectInspectorInterface * objectInspector )
Sets Qt Designer's object inspector to be the specified objectInspector.
See also objectInspector().
void QDesignerFormEditorInterface::setPropertyEditor ( QDesignerPropertyEditorInterface * propertyEditor )
Sets Qt Designer's property editor to be the specified propertyEditor.
See also propertyEditor().
void QDesignerFormEditorInterface::setWidgetBox ( QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface * widgetBox )
Sets Qt Designer's widget box to be the specified widgetBox.
See also widgetBox().
QWidget * QDesignerFormEditorInterface::topLevel () const
Returns Qt Designer's top-level widget.
QDesignerWidgetBoxInterface * QDesignerFormEditorInterface::widgetBox () const
Returns an interface to Qt Designer's widget box.
See also setWidgetBox().
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