Ocaml/FAQ/Database Access
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14. Database Access
(* OCaml's standard library includes bindings to the NDBM database.
Bindings to other database systems can be found on the web. *)
Making and Using a DBM File
#load "dbm.cma";;
(* open database *)
let db = Dbm.opendbm filename [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666
(* retrieve from database *)
let v = Dbm.find db key
(* put value into database *)
let () = Dbm.replace db key value
(* check whether in database *)
let () =
ignore (Dbm.find db key);
(* ... *)
with Not_found ->
(* ... *)
(* delete from database *)
let () = Dbm.remove db key
(* close the database *)
let () = Dbm.close db
(* userstats - generates statistics on who is logged in. *)
(* call with an argument to display totals *)
#load "dbm.cma";;
#load "str.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;
let db_file = "/tmp/userstats.db" (* where data is kept between runs *)
let db = Dbm.opendbm db_file [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666
let () =
if Array.length Sys.argv > 1
let sort a = Array.sort compare a; a in
let keys db = Array.of_list
(let accu = ref [] in
Dbm.iter (fun key _ -> accu := key :: !accu) db;
!accu) in
let users = Array.sub Sys.argv 1 (Array.length Sys.argv - 1) in
let users = if users = [|"ALL"|] then sort (keys db) else users in
(fun user ->
Printf.printf "%s\t%s\n"
user (try Dbm.find db user with Not_found -> ""))
let who = Unix.open_process_in "who" in
let regexp = Str.regexp "[ \t]+" in
while true do
(* extract username (first thing on the line) and update *)
let line = input_line who in
let user = List.hd (Str.split_delim regexp line) in
let count =
try int_of_string (Dbm.find db user)
with Not_found -> 0 in
Dbm.replace db user (string_of_int (count + 1))
with End_of_file ->
ignore (Unix.close_process_in who)
let () = Dbm.close db
Emptying a DBM File
let () =
let db = Dbm.opendbm filename [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666 in
let keys = ref [] in
Dbm.iter (fun key _ -> keys := key :: !keys) db;
List.iter (Dbm.remove db) !keys;
Dbm.close db
let () =
Sys.remove filename;
ignore (Dbm.opendbm filename [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666)
Converting Between DBM Files
(* OCaml does not come with support for any DBM-style databases other
than NDBM, and no third-party libraries appear to be available. *)
Merging DBM Files
let () = Dbm.iter (Dbm.replace output) input
let () =
(fun key value ->
let existing = Dbm.find output key value in
(* decide which value to use and replace if necessary *)
with Not_found ->
Dbm.replace output key value)
Locking DBM Files
(* dblockdemo - demo locking dbm databases *)
(* Thanks to Janne Hellsten for posting sample code on caml-list! *)
#load "dbm.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;
let db_file = "/tmp/foo.db"
let lock_file = "/tmp/foo.lock"
let key = try Sys.argv.(1) with Invalid_argument _ -> "default"
let value = try Sys.argv.(2) with Invalid_argument _ -> "magic"
let value = value ^ " " ^ (string_of_int (Unix.getpid ()))
let finally handler f x =
let result = try f x with e -> handler (); raise e in handler (); result
let create_lock name =
if not (Sys.file_exists name) then
let out_channel = open_out name in close_out out_channel
let with_lock name command f =
create_lock name;
let fd = Unix.openfile name [Unix.O_RDWR] 0o660 in
(fun () -> Unix.close fd)
(fun () -> Unix.lockf fd command 0; f ()) ()
let create_db name =
if not (Sys.file_exists (name ^ ".dir")) then
let db = Dbm.opendbm name [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o660 in
Dbm.close db
let () =
create_db db_file;
let do_read () =
let db = Dbm.opendbm db_file [Dbm.Dbm_rdonly] 0o660 in
Printf.printf "%d: Read lock granted\n" (Unix.getpid ());
flush stdout;
let oldval = try Dbm.find db key with Not_found -> "" in
Printf.printf "%d: Old value was %s\n" (Unix.getpid ()) oldval;
flush stdout;
Dbm.close db in
let do_write () =
let db = Dbm.opendbm db_file [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr] 0o660 in
Printf.printf "%d: Write lock granted\n" (Unix.getpid ());
flush stdout;
Dbm.replace db key value;
Unix.sleep 10;
Dbm.close db in
with_lock lock_file Unix.F_TRLOCK do_read;
with Unix.Unix_error (error, "lockf", _) ->
Printf.printf "%d: CONTENTION; can't read during write update! \
Waiting for read lock (%s) ...\n"
(Unix.getpid ()) (Unix.error_message error);
flush stdout;
with_lock lock_file Unix.F_RLOCK do_read
with_lock lock_file Unix.F_TLOCK do_write;
with Unix.Unix_error (error, "lockf", _) ->
Printf.printf "%d: CONTENTION; must have exclusive lock! \
Waiting for write lock (%s) ...\n"
(Unix.getpid ()) (Unix.error_message error);
flush stdout;
with_lock lock_file Unix.F_LOCK do_write
Printf.printf "%d: Updated db to %s=%s\n" (Unix.getpid ()) key value
Sorting Large DBM Files
(* OCaml's Dbm module does not provide any mechanism for a custom
comparison function. If you need the keys in a particular order
you can load them into memory and use List.sort, Array.sort, or
a Set. This may not be practical for very large data sets. *)
Treating a Text File as a Database Array
let with_lines_in_file name f =
if not (Sys.file_exists name)
then (let out_channel = open_out name in close_out out_channel);
let in_channel = open_in name in
let in_lines = ref [] in
while true do
in_lines := input_line in_channel :: !in_lines
with End_of_file ->
close_in in_channel
let out_lines = f (List.rev !in_lines) in
let out_channel = open_out name in
(fun line ->
output_string out_channel line;
output_string out_channel "\n")
flush out_channel;
close_out out_channel
let () =
(* first create a text file to play with *)
with_lines_in_file "/tmp/textfile"
(fun lines ->
["zero"; "one"; "two"; "three"; "four"]);
with_lines_in_file "/tmp/textfile"
(fun lines ->
(* print the records in order. *)
print_endline "ORIGINAL\n";
Array.iteri (Printf.printf "%d: %s\n") (Array.of_list lines);
(* operate on the end of the list *)
let lines = List.rev lines in
let a = List.hd lines in
let lines = List.rev ("last" :: lines) in
Printf.printf "\nThe last record was [%s]\n" a;
(* and the beginning of the list *)
let a = List.hd lines in
let lines = "first" :: (List.tl lines) in
Printf.printf "\nThe first record was [%s]\n" a;
(* remove the record "four" *)
let lines =
List.filter (function "four" -> false | _ -> true) lines in
(* replace the record "two" with "Newbie" *)
let lines =
List.map (function "two" -> "Newbie" | x -> x) lines in
(* add a new record after "first" *)
let lines =
(fun x a ->
if x = "first"
then x :: "New One" :: a
else x :: a)
lines [] in
(* now print the records in reverse order *)
print_endline "\nREVERSE\n";
List.iter print_string
(fun i line -> Printf.sprintf "%d: %s\n" i line)
(Array.of_list lines))));
(* return the new list, which will be written back to the file *)
0: zero
1: one
2: two
3: three
4: four
The last record was [four]
The first record was [zero]
5: last
4: three
3: Newbie
2: one
1: New One
0: first
Storing Complex Data in a DBM File
(* OCaml includes a Marshal module which does binary serialization and
deserialization of arbitrary data structures. However, it is not
type-safe, so coding errors can result in segmentation faults.
One way to eliminate this risk is to use functors. The following
example builds a functor called "MakeSerializedDbm" which extends
the Dbm module to provide type-safe serialization of values using
a user-defined method such as (but not limited to) Marshal. *)
#load "dbm.cma";;
(* This module type defines a serialization method. It contains a type
and functions to convert values of that type to and from strings. *)
module type SerializedDbmMethod =
type value
val serialize : value -> string
val deserialize : string -> value
(* This module type defines an enhanced Dbm interface that includes a
type for values to be used instead of strings. *)
module type SerializedDbm =
type t
type value
val opendbm : string -> Dbm.open_flag list -> int -> t
val close : t -> unit
val find : t -> string -> value
val add : t -> string -> value -> unit
val replace : t -> string -> value -> unit
val remove : t -> string -> unit
val firstkey : t -> string
val nextkey : t -> string
val iter : (string -> value -> 'a) -> t -> unit
(* Here is the functor itself. It takes a SerializedDbmMethod as an
argument and returns a SerializedDbm module instance as a result.
It is defined mainly in terms of Dbm, with a few overridden
definitions where the value type is needed. *)
module MakeSerializedDbm (Method : SerializedDbmMethod)
: SerializedDbm with type value = Method.value =
include Dbm
type value = Method.value
let find db key = Method.deserialize (find db key)
let add db key value = add db key (Method.serialize value)
let replace db key value = replace db key (Method.serialize value)
let iter f db = iter (fun key value -> f key (Method.deserialize value)) db
(* Now, we can easily build typed Dbm interfaces by providing the type
and conversion functions. In this case, we use Marshal, but we could
also use other string-based serialization formats like JSON or XML. *)
module StringListDbm =
type value = string list
let serialize x = Marshal.to_string x []
let deserialize x = Marshal.from_string x 0
let db = StringListDbm.opendbm "data.db" [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666
let () =
StringListDbm.replace db "Tom Christiansen"
[ "book author"; "tchrist@perl.com" ];
StringListDbm.replace db "Tom Boutell"
[ "shareware author"; "boutell@boutell.com" ];
(* names to compare *)
let name1 = "Tom Christiansen" in
let name2 = "Tom Boutell" in
let tom1 = StringListDbm.find db name1 in
let tom2 = StringListDbm.find db name2 in
let show strings =
"[" ^ (String.concat "; "
(List.map (fun s -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\"") strings)) ^ "]" in
Printf.printf "Two Toming: %s %s\n" (show tom1) (show tom2)
Persistent Data
type data = {mutable variable1: string; mutable variable2: string}
module PersistentStore =
type value = data
let serialize x = Marshal.to_string x []
let deserialize x = Marshal.from_string x 0
let with_persistent_data f =
let db =
PersistentStore.opendbm "data.db" [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666 in
let data =
try PersistentStore.find db "data"
with Not_found -> {variable1=""; variable2=""} in
f data;
PersistentStore.replace db "data" data
PersistentStore.close db
let () =
(fun data ->
Printf.printf "variable1 = %s\nvariable2 = %s\n"
data.variable1 data.variable2;
data.variable1 <- "foo";
data.variable2 <- "bar";
Executing an SQL Command Using DBI and DBD
(* This example uses OCaml DBI, a component of the mod_caml web development
library that provides a database abstraction API very similar to that of
Perl DBI. It is available for download here:
Drivers for particular databases are listed in the introduction. *)
#load "nums.cma";;
#directory "+num-top";;
#load "num_top.cma";;
#directory "+mysql";;
#load "mysql.cma";;
#directory "+dbi";;
#load "dbi.cma";;
#load "dbi_mysql.cmo";;
(* With dbi installed via findlib, the above can be shortened to:
#use "topfind";;
#require "dbi.mysql";;
let () =
let dbh =
"database" in
let _ = dbh#ex sql [] in
let sth = dbh#prepare sql in
sth#execute [];
(fun row ->
print_endline (Dbi.sdebug row);
(* ... *)
sth#finish ();
dbh#close ()
(* dbusers - manage MySQL user table *)
(* This example uses the Mysql module directly rather than going through
OCaml DBI. See the introduction for a link to the Mysql library. *)
#load "unix.cma";;
#directory "+mysql";;
#load "mysql.cma";;
let () =
let db =
~database:"dbname" () in
ignore (Mysql.exec db "CREATE TABLE users (uid INT, login CHAR(8))");
let passwd = open_in "/etc/passwd" in
while true do
let line = input_line passwd in
let user = String.sub line 0 (String.index line ':') in
let {Unix.pw_uid=uid; pw_name=name} = Unix.getpwnam user in
let sql =
Printf.sprintf "INSERT INTO users VALUES( %s, %s )"
(Mysql.ml2int uid)
(Mysql.ml2str name) in
ignore (Mysql.exec db sql)
with End_of_file ->
close_in passwd
ignore (Mysql.exec db "DROP TABLE users");
Mysql.disconnect db
Program: ggh - Grep Netscape Global History
(* Search the history using the Places SQLite database, new in Firefox 3.
Pattern-matching uses simple substrings, but it could be expanded to use
Str or Pcre by installing a user-defined function. *)
#directory "+sqlite3";;
#load "sqlite3.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;
type history = { visit_date : Unix.tm;
url : string;
title : string; }
let days = [| "Sun"; "Mon"; "Tue"; "Wed"; "Thu"; "Fri"; "Sat" |]
let months = [| "Jan"; "Feb"; "Mar"; "Apr"; "May"; "Jun";
"Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Oct"; "Nov"; "Dec" |]
let string_of_tm tm =
Printf.sprintf "%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d"
(tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900)
let tm_of_micros micros =
let time = float_of_string micros /. 1000000. in
Unix.localtime time
let () =
if Array.length Sys.argv < 2 then
Printf.printf "Usage: %s path/to/places.sqlite [pattern]\n"
exit 0
let file =
if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 then Sys.argv.(1) else "places.sqlite"
let pattern =
if Array.length Sys.argv > 2 then Some Sys.argv.(2) else None
let db = Sqlite3.db_open file
let sql =
"SELECT visit_date, url, title
FROM moz_places p
JOIN moz_historyvisits v
ON p.id = v.place_id
ORDER BY visit_date DESC"
(match pattern with
| None -> ""
| Some s ->
(Printf.sprintf "WHERE url LIKE '%%%s%%' OR title LIKE '%%%s%%'"
s s))
let data = ref []
let res =
Sqlite3.exec_not_null_no_headers db
~cb:(fun row ->
data := {visit_date = tm_of_micros row.(0);
url = row.(1);
title = row.(2)} :: !data) sql
let () =
match res with
| Sqlite3.Rc.OK ->
(fun history ->
Printf.printf "[%s] %s \"%s\"\n"
(string_of_tm history.visit_date)
| r ->
Printf.eprintf "%s: %s\n"
(Sqlite3.Rc.to_string r)
(Sqlite3.errmsg db)