Qt:Документация 4.3.2/qaccessiblewidget

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QAccessibleWidget Class Reference
[модуль QtGui ]

The QAccessibleWidget class implements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgets. More...

 #include <QAccessibleWidget>

Inherits QAccessibleObject.

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  • 7 статических открытых члена унаследованных от QAccessible

Подробное описание

The QAccessibleWidget class implements the QAccessibleInterface for QWidgets.

This class is convenient to use as a base class for custom implementations of QAccessibleInterfaces that provide information about widget objects.

The class provides functions to retrieve the parentObject() (the widget's parent widget), and the associated widget(). Controlling signals can be added with addControllingSignal(), and setters are provided for various aspects of the interface implementation, for example setValue(), setDescription(), setAccelerator(), and setHelp().

See also QAccessible and QAccessibleObject.

Описание функций-членов

QAccessibleWidget::QAccessibleWidget ( QWidget * w, Role role = Client, const QString & name = QString() )

Creates a QAccessibleWidget object for widget w. role and name are optional parameters that set the object's role and name properties.

QAccessibleWidget::~QAccessibleWidget () [protected]

Destroys this object.

void QAccessibleWidget::addControllingSignal ( const QString & signal ) [protected]

Registers signal as a controlling signal.

An object is a Controller to any other object connected to a controlling signal.

QObject * QAccessibleWidget::parentObject () const [protected]

Returns the associated widget's parent object, which is either the parent widget, or qApp for top-level widgets.

void QAccessibleWidget::setAccelerator ( const QString & accel ) [protected]

Sets the accelerator of this interface implementation to accel.

The default implementation of text() returns the set value for the Accelerator text.

Note that the object wrapped by this interface is not modified.

void QAccessibleWidget::setDescription ( const QString & desc ) [protected]

Sets the description of this interface implementation to desc.

The default implementation of text() returns the set value for the Description text.

Note that the object wrapped by this interface is not modified.

void QAccessibleWidget::setHelp ( const QString & help ) [protected]

Sets the help of this interface implementation to help.

The default implementation of text() returns the set value for the Help text.

Note that the object wrapped by this interface is not modified.

void QAccessibleWidget::setValue ( const QString & value ) [protected]

Sets the value of this interface implementation to value.

The default implementation of text() returns the set value for the Value text.

Note that the object wrapped by this interface is not modified.

QWidget * QAccessibleWidget::widget () const [protected]

Returns the associated widget.

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Qt 4.3.2