Ruby/Development/Regexps Repetition

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A pattern that matches a string containing the text Perl or the text Python


have Repetition match the minimum by adding a question mark suffix.

def show_regexp(a, re) 
    if a =~ re 
        "no match" 
a = "this is a test" 
show_regexp(a, /\w+/) 
show_regexp(a, /\s.*\s/) 
show_regexp(a, /\s.*?\s/) 
show_regexp(a, /[aeiou]{2,99}/) 
show_regexp(a, /mo?o/)

==Match a time such as /td>


match one of a group of characters within apattern

\s matches a white space character(space,tab, newline, and so on); 
\d matches any digit
\w matches any character that may appearin atypical word.
.  matches any character.


r*      matches zero or more occurrences of r. 
r+      matches one or more occurrences of r. 
r?      matches zero or one occurrence of r. 
r{m,n}  matchesatleast "m"and at most "n"occurrencesof r. 
r{m,}   matchesatleast "m"occurrencesof r. 
r{m}    matches exactly "m" occurrences of r. 
/ab+/ matches an a followed by one or more b"s, not a sequence of ab"s.
/a*/  will match any string; every stringhas zero or more a"s.

Replace every occurrence of Perl and Python with Ruby

line = "this is a Perl. And this a Python"
puts line
line.gsub(/Perl|Python/, "Ruby") 
puts line

The match operator =~ can be used to match a string against a regular expression.

# If the pattern is found, =~ returns its starting position, or nil.
line = "this is a Perl"
if line =~ /Perl|Python/ 
   puts "Scripting language mentioned: #{line}" 

The part of a string matched by a regular expression can be replaced

line = "this is a Perl. And this a Python"
puts line
line.sub(/Perl/, "Ruby")    # replace first "Perl" with "Ruby" 
puts line
line.gsub(/Python/, "Ruby") # replace every "Python" with "Ruby" 
puts line

use back references to match delimiters.

def show_regexp(a, re) 
    if a =~ re 
        "no match" 
show_regexp("He said "Hello"", /([""]).*?\1/) # He said <<"Hello">> 
show_regexp("He said "Hello"", /([""]).*?\1/) # He said <<"Hello">>

Use parentheses within patterns,just as you can in arithmetic expressions

# A pattern that matches a string containing the text Perl or the text Python

use part of the current match later in that match allows you to look for various forms of repetition.

def show_regexp(a, re) 
    if a =~ re 
        "no match" 
# match duplicated letter 
show_regexp("He said "Hello"", /(\w)\1/) # He said "He<<ll>>o" 
# match duplicated substrings 
show_regexp("Mississippi", /(\w+)\1/)  # M<<ississ>>ippi

You can also specify repetition within patterns.

/ab+c/ matches a string containing an a followed by one or more b"s, followed by a c. 
/ab*c/ matches one a, zero or more b"s, and one c.