Ruby/Hash/Hash values

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Get all values as an array

hash = {1 => 2, 2 => 2, 3 => 10}
p hash.values                                  # => [2, 2, 10]

Get an array with all the values from a hash with values:

zip = { 1 => "One", 2 => "Two", 3 => "Three",
4 => "Four", 5 => "Five", 6 => "Six", 7 =>
"Seven", 8 => "Eight", 9 => "Eight" }
puts zip.values

what is the default value for a hash

empty =   # Specify a default value when creating hash
empty["one"]           # => -1
empty.default = -2     # Change the default value to something else
empty["two"]           # => -2
empty.default          # => -2: return the default value