Ruby/Development/Match Operator

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Версия от 17:55, 13 сентября 2010; ViGOur (Обсуждение | вклад)
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match operator demo

puts name = "this is a test" 
puts name =~ /a/ # 1 
puts name =~ /z/ # nil 
puts /a/ =~ name # 1

match operators return the character position at which the match occurred.

$& receives the part of the string that was matched by the pattern, 
$` receives the part of the string that preceded the match
$" receivesthe string after the match. 
def show_regexp(a, re) 
    if a =~ re 
        "no match" 
puts show_regexp("very interesting", /t/) 
puts show_regexp("this is a test", /a/) 
puts show_regexp("these are all tests", /ll/)
puts show_regexp("zeller", /z/)