Ruby/Language Basics/rake

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rake [-f rakefile] {options} targets...

Options include:
--classic-namespace (-C)
    Put Task and FileTask in the top-level namespace.
--dry-run (-n)
    Do a dry run without executing actions.
--help (-H)
    Display this help message.
--libdir= libdir (-I )
    Include libdir in the search path for required modules.
--nosearch (-N)
    Do not search parent directories for the Rakefile.
--prereqs (-P)
    Display the tasks and dependencies, then exit.
--quiet (-q)
    Do not log messages to standard output.
--rakefile (-f)
    Use FILE as the Rakefile.
--rakelibdir= rakelibdir (-R )
    Auto-import any .rake files in rakelibdir (default is rakelib).
--require= module (-r )
    Require module before executing the Rakefile.
--silent (-s)
    Like --quiet, but also suppresses the "in directory" announcement.
--tasks (-T)
    Display the tasks (matching optional PATTERN) with descriptions, then exit.
--trace (-t)
    Turn on invoke/execute tracing. Enable full backtrace.
--usage (-h)
    Display usage.
--verbose (-v)
    Log message to standard output (default).
--version (-V)
    Display the program version.

Rake is a build tool.

Rake uses a Rakefile to figure out what to do. 
A Rakefile contains names tasks. 
To run Rake help, type:
$ rake --help