Ruby/Number/Convert to String

Материал из

Версия от 17:59, 13 сентября 2010; ViGOur (Обсуждение | вклад)
(разн.) ← Предыдущая | Текущая версия (разн.) | Следующая → (разн.)
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constant value interpolation

number = 5
puts "The number is #{5}."                           # => "The number is 5."

Convert float to string

(256.0).to_s # => "256.0"

Convert integer to string by parameter

42.to_s(10)                       # => "42"
-100.to_s(2)                      # => "-1100100"
255.to_s(16)                      # => "ff"
1442151747.to_s(36)               # => "number"

Convert string to integer with error

"6".to_i(2)                       # => 0
# ArgumentError: illegal radix 1
# ArgumentError: illegal radix 37

Integer passed into a string with interpolation

x = 2
print "This application is running okay if 2 + 2 = #{x + x}"

String interpolation with calculation

number = 5
puts "The number prior to #{number} is #{number-1}."

String interpolation with method call

number = 5
puts "The number after #{number} is #{}."

Substituting Variables Into Strings

number = 5
"The number is #{number}."                      # => "The number is 5."