Ruby/Language Basics/Symbols

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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
name = "myValue"
name.to_sym # => ":myValue"
:myValue.id2name # => "myValue"
name == :myValue.id2name # => true

object_id of three string with the same value

"name".object_id                                               # => -605973716
"name".object_id                                               # => -605976356
"name".object_id                                               # => -605978996

object_id of three symbols with the same name

:name.object_id                                                # => 878862
:name.object_id                                                # => 878862
"name".intern.object_id                                        # => 878862
"name".intern.object_id                                        # => 878862

Ruby uses tons of symbols internally. To prove it, execute this line of Ruby code


Symbol in an array

myArray = ["January", 1, :year, [2006,01,01]]
myArray.each {|e| print e.class, " " } # => String Fixnum Symbol Array

symbols is placeholders for identifiers and strings.

# You can recognize symbols because they are always prefixed by a colon (:).
# You don"t directly create a symbol by assigning a value to it. 
# You create a symbol by calling the to_sym or intern methods on a string or by assigning a symbol to a symbol. 
name = "myValue"
name.to_sym # => :myValue
:myValue.id2name # => "myValue"
name == :myValue.id2name # => true

Using Symbols as Hash Keys

people =
people[:nickname] = "M"
people[:language] = "J"
people["last name".intern] = "M"
p people[:nickname]              
p people["nickname".intern]